A Student Model of Technical Japanese Reading Proficiency for an Intelligent Tutoring System


  • Yun-Sun Kang
  • Anthony A. Maciejewski




Japanese, Technical Literature, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Parsing


This article presents the development of a student model that is used in a Japanese language intelligent tutoring system to assess pupils' proficiency at reading technical Japanese. A computer-assisted knowledge acquisition system is designed to generate a domain knowledge base for a Japanese language intelligent tutoring system. The domain knowledge represents a model of the expertise that a native English speaker must acquire in order to be proficient at reading technical Japanese. The algorithms described here are able to generate a set of grammatical transformation rules that clarify changes of syntactic structures between a Japanese text and its corresponding English translation, use them to assess a student's proficiency, and then appropriately individualize the student's instructions.


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How to Cite

Kang, Y.-S., & Maciejewski, A. A. (2013). A Student Model of Technical Japanese Reading Proficiency for an Intelligent Tutoring System. CALICO Journal, 18(1), 9-40. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v18i1.9-40