On the Path to 2X Learning

Exploring the Possibilities of Advanced Speech Recognition


  • Stephen A. LaRocca
  • John J. Morgan
  • Sherri M. Bellinger




Advanced Speech Recognition, Multimedia Courseware Development


One of the most advanced technologies brought to bear on language learning is automatic speech recognition (ASR). It is proposed that ASR-enhanced materials for self-study can effectively increase the student's learning twofold over conventional self-study materials. Past and current efforts at the U.S. Military Academy are described, aimed at integrating advanced ASR into courseware authoring systems. Practical, technical, and pedagogical issues confronting both programmers and courseware developers are discussed. Possible directions for this emerging technology are forwarded based on past research, current experimental evidence, and the future of language learning in an era of technology.


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Ginsberg, R. B. (1989). Implications of intelligent tutoring systems for research and practice in foreign language learning (Occasional Paper). Washington, DC: Johns Hopkins University National Foreign Language Center.

Higgins, J. (1988). Language, learners, and computers: Human intelligence and artificial unintelligence. London: Longman.

LaReau, P., & Vockell, E. (1989). The computer in the foreign language curriculum. Santa Cruz, CA: Mitchell Publishing.

Pennington, M. (1989). Applications of the computer in the development of speaking and listening proficiency. In M. Pennington (Ed.), Teaching languages with computers: The state of the art. La Jolla, CA: Athelstan.

Richards, J. C., & Rogers, T. S. (1986). Approaches and methods in language teaching: A description and analysis. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Underwood, J. H. (1984). Linguistics, computers and the language teacher: A communicative approach. Boston, MA: Newbury House.







How to Cite

LaRocca, S. A., Morgan, J. J., & Bellinger, S. M. (2013). On the Path to 2X Learning: Exploring the Possibilities of Advanced Speech Recognition. CALICO Journal, 16(3), 295-310. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v16i3.295-310