
A Critical Skill and a Challenge


  • Kathleen B. Egan




Speaking, Automatic Speech Recognition, Speech-Interactive CALL, National Foreign Language Standards, Second Language Acquisition


Speaking is at the heart of second language learning but has been somewhat ignored in teaching and testing for a number of logistical reasons. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) can give speaking a central role in language instruction. This article describes plans and efforts to shape speech-interactive Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) programs. Current proficiency guidelines provide a practical framework for this development. Although questions and challenges remain, current implementations of ASR provide some solutions now, and on-going research holds great promise for future implementations.


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How to Cite

Egan, K. B. (2013). Speaking: A Critical Skill and a Challenge. CALICO Journal, 16(3), 277-293. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v16i3.277-293