Investigating the Teaching of Second-Language Vocabulary Through Semantic Mapping in a Hypertext Environment


  • Daniel J. Svenconis
  • Stephen Kerst



Second-language vocabulary, HyperCard, hypertext, hypermedia, semantic mapping, computer assisted learning, computer assisted language learning (CALL), computer assisted language instruction (CALI)


This article describes a study that was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of using a hypertext/hypermedia environment for the teaching of second-language vocabulary in a semantic mapping format. A description of the research experiment is followed by an analysis and discussion of the results obtained from the study. Conclusions are drawn and suggestions are made for those involved in the instruction of L2 learners, especially those who employ semantic mapping techniques in computer assisted learning environments.


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How to Cite

Svenconis, D. J. ., & Kerst, S. (2013). Investigating the Teaching of Second-Language Vocabulary Through Semantic Mapping in a Hypertext Environment. CALICO Journal, 12(2-3), 33-57.