Unification-Based Parsing Applications for Intelligent Foreign Language Tutoring Systems


  • L. Kirk Hagen




NLP, parsing, foreign language education, intelligent tutoring, French, unification, OOP, HPSG


This paper is a description of a computer based intelligent tutoring system for French as a second language, and of its ancillary grammar editor, which is built on an object oriented, unification-based natural language processor. First I review some of the considerations that motivate using intelligent tutoring systems in second language education. Second, I discuss the details of object oriented programming and unification grammar. Third, I give some examples of how this software interacts with students and of what sort of grammatical phenomena it is capable of handling. I will show how the parser straightforwardly handles some thorny problems of complex grammatical structures (e.g. conjunctions; reflexive binding; phrase embedding; dislocated, missing, or superfluous parts of speech) which have had an inhibitory effect on CALL parsing applications in the past.


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How to Cite

Hagen, L. K. (2013). Unification-Based Parsing Applications for Intelligent Foreign Language Tutoring Systems. CALICO Journal, 12(2-3), 5-31. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v12i2-3.5-31