Computer Aided Analysis of Foreign Language Writing Process


  • Virginia M. Scott
  • Elizabeth New



Computer aided FL writing, Système-D, FL Writing Process


A number of studies have examined the writing process in first language (L1) and English as a Second Language (ESL); however, there is little empirical data with regard to the foreign language (FL) writing process. Système-D, a computer program for writing in French, accompanied by its tracking device, which provides a log of student inquiries made during the writing process, has afforded a novel means of analyzing the FL writing process. Twenty-one students in third semester (intermediate) college French participated in a study designed to examine how the Syst6me-D log provides data about the FL writing process. This study describes the instrument used to evaluate the Système-D log data and suggests how this information can be used in the classroom.


Barnett, Marva A. (1 989). 'Writing as Process." French Review, 63, 1, 34-44.

Bland, Susan Kessner, James S. Noblitt, Susan Armington, and Geri Gay (1990). 'The Naïve Lexical Hypothesis: Evidence From Computer Assisted Language Learning.” Modern Language Journal, 74, 440-450.

Krapels, Alexandra Rowe (1990). "An Overview of Second Language Writing Process Research." Second Language Writing: Research Insights for the Classroom, edited by Barbara Kroll. Cambridge University Press.

Noblitt, James S. and Susan K. Bland (1991). “Tracking the Learner in Computer Aided Language Learning." In B. Freed (Ed.), Foreign Language Acquisition Research in the Classroom, 120-131. D.C. Heath. Lexington, MA.

Scott, Virginia (1990). "Task-Oriented Creative Writing with Système-D.” CALICO Journal, 7, 3, 58-67.







How to Cite

Scott, V. M., & New, E. (2013). Computer Aided Analysis of Foreign Language Writing Process. CALICO Journal, 11(3), 5-18.