Practical videoconference training: Experience from a Norwegian resource centre for rare disorders
counselling, feedback, role play, skills training, videoconferenceAbstract
A pilot programme was developed for training professionals to communicate in counselling situations via videoconferencing, with participants from Norwegian resource centres for rare disorders. The programme was conducted at three videoconferencing studios, and entailed three sessions involving role play, feedback, reflection, and discussion. After each session, participants received a short web-based questionnaire. The programme was generally perceived as realistic, with 95% of participants considering it to be a suitable training method and 94% reporting greater awareness of how to engage successfully in dialogue during videoconferencing. Those who experienced technical difficulties reported significantly lower satisfaction with the role play, feedback, and discussion segments. Experiences conveyed in the feedback and reflection segments are described, demonstrating the importance of an appropriate technical infrastructure and giving useful insights into how videoconferences should be performed. The programme could be replicated and developed further and offered to professionals who give counselling services via videoconferences.References
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Wynn, R., Hagen K. and Friborg, O. (2012). Videoconferencing at a centre for rare disorders: User satisfaction and user participation. Acta Paediatrica 101 (2): e83-e85.
Buck, S. (2009) Nine human factors contributing to the user acceptance of telemedicine applications: A cognitive-emotional approach. Journal of Telemed Telecare 15 (2): 55–58.
Cegala, D. J. and Lenzmeier Broz, S. (2002) Physician communication skills training: A review of theoretical backgrounds, objectives and skills. Medical Education 36 (11): 1004–1016.
Daetwyler, C. J., Cohen, D. G., Gracely, E. and Novack, D. H. (2010) eLearning to enhance physician patient communication: A pilot test of ‘’ and ‘WebEncounter’ in teaching bad news delivery. Medical Teacher 32 (9): e381-e390.
Delvaux, N., Merckaert, I., Marchal, S., Libert, Y., Conradt, S., Boniver, J., Etienne, A.-M., Fontaine, O., Janne, P., Klastersky, J., Mélot, C., Reynaert, C., Scalliet, P., Slachmuylder, J.-L. and Razavi, D. (2005) Physicians’ communication with a cancer patient and a relative. Cancer 103 (11): 2397-2411.
Demiris, G., Oliver, D. P., Wittenberg-Lyles, E. and Washington, K. (2009) Video-mediated communication in hospice interdisciplinary team meetings: Examining technical quality and content. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings Archive 14: 135–139.
Fredrickson, B. L. and Joiner, T. (2002) Positive emotions trigger upward spirals toward emotional well-being. Psychological Science 13 (2): 172–175.
Girgis, A., Cockburn, J., Butow, P., Bowman, D., Schofield, P., Stojanovski, E., D’Este, C., Tattersall, M. H. N., Doran, C. and Turner, J. (2009) Improving patient emotional functioning and psychological morbidity: Evaluation of a consultation skills training program for oncologists. Patient Education and Counseling 77 (3): 456–462.
Goldstone, A. P., Holland, A. J., Hauffa, B.P., Hokken-Koelega, A. C. and Tauber, M., and on behalf of speakers contributors at the Second Expert Meeting of the Comprehensive Care of Patients with PWS (2008) Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of Prader-Willi syndrome. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 93 (11): 4183–4197.
Hewson, M. G. and Little, M. L. (1998) Giving feedback in medical education: Verification of recommended techniques. Journal of General Internal Medicine 13 (2): 111–116.
Hilgart, J. S., Hayward, J. A., Coles, B. and Iredale, R. (2012) Telegenetics: A systematic review in genetics services. Genetics in Medicine 14 (9): 765–776.
Hilty, D. M., Ferrer, D. C., Parish, M. B., Johnston, B., Callahan, E. J. and Yellowlees, P. M. (2013) The effectiveness of telemental health: A 2013 review. Telemedicine and e-Health 19 (6): 444–454.
Lane, C. and Rollnick, S. (2007) The use of simulated patients and role-play in communication skills training: A review of the literature to August 2005. Patient Education and Counseling 67 (1): 13–20.
Nestel, D. and Tierney, T. (2007) Role-play for medical students learning about communication: Guidelines for maximising benefits. BMC Medical Education 7 (1): 3.
Obstfelder, A., Engeseth, K. H. and Wynn, R. (2007) Characteristics of successfully implemented telemedical applications. Implementation Science 2: 25.
Sørensen, L. B. (2010). Rapport fra en undersøkelse om ‘Sjeldensentre’. No location: Synovate. Retrieved from:
Wynn, R., Hagen K. and Friborg, O. (2012). Videoconferencing at a centre for rare disorders: User satisfaction and user participation. Acta Paediatrica 101 (2): e83-e85.
copyright Equinox Publishing Ltd.
How to Cite
Hagen, K., & Hummelvoll, G. (2016). Practical videoconference training: Experience from a Norwegian resource centre for rare disorders. Communication and Medicine, 12(2-3), 199–209.