The relationship between facilitating emotional cues and medical students’ clinical communication performance in qualifying exams


  • Peter Leadbetter Edge Hill University
  • Ian Fletcher Lancaster University
  • Helen O'Sullivan University of Chester



communication, emotional cues, medical students, OSCE, video coding


A cross-sectional study design explored the relationship between medical students’ Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) clinical communication ratings and their responsiveness to simulated patient (SP) verbal emotional cues in their qualifying OSCE. Data were collected from two cohorts of fourth-year medical students (n = 37), and responses to patient cues that facilitated further disclosure or related discussion – known as provide space responses – from two OSCE communication stations were measured by coding video footage with the Verona Coding Definition of Emotional Sequences (VR-CoDES).

The 37 medical students were representative of the larger cohort (n = 508) in terms of age. A significant positive correlation with a medium effect was found between OSCE clinical communication ratings and provide space responses. OSCE clinical communication ratings could differentiate between students who adopted patient-centred facilitative behaviours and those who did not.

Author Biographies

  • Peter Leadbetter, Edge Hill University

    Peter Leadbetter received his PhD in medical education (clinical communication) from the University of Liverpool and is currently a Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at Edge Hill University. He is Programme Lead for the Foundation Year to Medicine and teaches clinical communication in undergraduate medicine. His research interests include patient–provider communication, and emotional factors related to undergraduate learning.

  • Ian Fletcher, Lancaster University

    Ian Fletcher is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Health Research at Lancaster University. His research interests are in mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and mental health and deafness. His current studies focus on compassion, psychological safety and emotional regulation in ‘emotionally charged’ workplaces.

  • Helen O'Sullivan , University of Chester

    Helen O’Sullivan’s PhD was in bacterial genetics, and she is currently Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Chester. In 2006 she led the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (University of Liverpool), focusing on medical professionalism. She was promoted to Personal Chair in Medical Education in 2013. Her research interests include emotional intelligence, professionalism and leadership in doctors.


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How to Cite

Leadbetter, P., Fletcher, I., & O'Sullivan , H. (2023). The relationship between facilitating emotional cues and medical students’ clinical communication performance in qualifying exams. Communication and Medicine, 18(3), 258-271.