‘One size does not fit all’ in organ donation and transplantation

Targeting and tailoring communication for migrant and ethnic minority populations


  • Alessandra Agnese Grossi University of Insubria
  • David Paredes Hospital Clinic, Barcelona and University of Barcelona
  • Vijayanand Palaniswamy Bendigo Health and Monash University
  • Nichon Jansen Dutch Transplant Foundation
  • Mario Picozzi University of Insubria
  • Gurch Randhawa University of Bedfordshire




communication, ethics, organ donation and transplantation, migrants and ethnic minorities, tailoring, targeting


With increasing immigration to Europe, migrants and ethnic minorities (MEMs) are progressively represented on transplant waiting lists. However, they remain underrepresented among the pools of both deceased and living donors (LD). Further, studies report inferior knowledge and/or understanding of organ donation and transplantation among these populations, with the potential for detrimental impacts on accessibility, quality and outcomes of care. The ethnic and cultural diversity characterising European societies poses additional challenges to the complexity inherent to communication in transplant settings. This study addresses the ethical, theoretical and practical implications of targeting/tailoring interventions for MEM populations in the transplant continuum. It puts forward a call for action on the emergent issue of how institutional actors and healthcare professionals should interact more effectively with MEM publics, potential donors and/or their families and MEM transplant candidates/recipients/LDs.

Author Biographies

  • Alessandra Agnese Grossi, University of Insubria

    Alessandra A. Grossi is a communication and medical ethics specialist, with a background in public and intercultural communication. She received her PhD in Medical Humanities from the University of Insubria, where she is currently a Research Fellow (Department of Human Sciences, Innovation and Territory) and Collaborator (Center for Clinical Ethics). Her research focuses on health disparities (from assessment through to development of interventions), diversity in healthcare, sociocultural influences on health communication processes and person-centred care.

  • David Paredes, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona and University of Barcelona

    David Paredes is a nephrology and internal medicine specialist working as a Consultant at the Donation and Transplant Coordination Section of the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona and as Associate Professor at the
    Surgery Department of the University of Barcelona, Spain. He has also been a member of the Board of the European Donation and Transplant Coordination Organization (EDTCO) since 2013 and EDTCO past chair. His research focuses on expanding criteria for deceased organ donation and transplantation. He is working actively in developing the living organ donor advocate role for transplant coordinators and on how to implement equity, inclusion and diversity in the field of organ donation and transplantation.

  • Vijayanand Palaniswamy, Bendigo Health and Monash University

    Vijayanand Palaniswami is an intensive care specialist working in Australia with both the adult and paediatric population. He has also worked in India in the same role and has helped in developing protocols and practice changes in the field of organ donation.

  • Nichon Jansen, Dutch Transplant Foundation

    Nichon Jansen received her PhD on organ donor shortage in the Netherlands. She is a social scientist, working as a researcher and policy advisor at the Dutch Transplant Foundation in the Netherlands. She is also the past chair of the European Donation and Transplantation Coordination Organisation, which is a section of the European Society for Organ Transplantation. The focus of her research is on post-mortem organ donation.

  • Mario Picozzi, University of Insubria

    Mario Picozzi is Associate Professor of Legal Medicine and Director of the Centre for Clinical Ethics at the University of Insubria. His research focuses on clinical ethics, with a particular emphasis on clinical ethics consultation, beginning- and end-of-life issues and organ transplantation.

  • Gurch Randhawa, University of Bedfordshire

    Gurch Randhawa is Professor of Diversity in Public Health and Director of the Institute for Health Research at the University of Bedfordshire, and Director of the United Kingdom (UK) Organ Donation and Transplant Research Centre. His research focuses on the development of patient-centred care pathways in diabetes, kidney disease, transplantation and end-of-life care amongst diverse communities. His Centre has carried out extensive research – across many countries – examining variation in donation rates among different ethnic and faith communities. The Centre has recently completed a feasibility study to examine whether primary care physicians can influence organ donor registration rates. He was previously commissioned by NHS Blood and Transplant to develop the Faith Engagement and Organ Donation Action Plan, which was published in partnership with Faith Leaders.


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How to Cite

Grossi, A. A., Paredes, D., Palaniswamy, V., Jansen, N., Picozzi, M., & Randhawa, G. (2023). ‘One size does not fit all’ in organ donation and transplantation: Targeting and tailoring communication for migrant and ethnic minority populations. Communication and Medicine, 18(3), 241-257. https://doi.org/10.1558/cam.21434