Dental professionals’ role perceptions in relation to periodontal (gum) disease explanations

A thematic discourse analysis approach


  • Marion C. Bowman University of Leeds
  • Isobel Sale University of Leeds
  • Ruth Payne University of Leeds
  • Karen Vinall-Collier University of Leeds
  • Aradhna Tugnait University of Leeds



behaviour change, dental communication, dental hygienists / dental therapists, dentists, periodontal (gum) disease, thematic discourse analysis


Objective: To use a discourse analysis approach to identify salient features in the lived experiences of dental professionals in relation to explaining periodontal (gum) disease to patients.

Methods: Interview data from 13 UK-trained and three internationally-trained dental professionals was examined using thematic discourse analysis. The first stage (discourse analysis) focused on the identification of language patterns in the interview data. This stage forms the focus of this paper.

Findings: Six discourse categories (Clinician, Mentor, Educator, Collaborator, Rapport Builder, Professional) were identified that related to the participants’ perceived professional roles. The categories were associated with differing worldviews and language use patterns, but with some overlap. All interviewees used a variety of discourse categories in their accounts, but a few relied predominantly on one category, e.g., Clinician or Mentor.

Conclusions: The local discourse categories identified in this study reflect broader discourses in healthcare relating to the roles of providers and patients, which have evolved through time.

Practice implications: Practising dental professionals are faced with a diverse range of patients who have different communication preferences. A suite of discourse categories can act as a ‘toolbox’ that dental professionals can flexibly draw on when needing to adopt a role that could predispose a particular patient to positive oral health behaviour change.

Author Biographies

  • Marion C. Bowman, University of Leeds

    Marion C. Bowman works in the Dental School at the University of Leeds in a non-clinical teaching role. She is currently completing a PhD in dental communication. Her research interest is in using discourse, conversation or linguistic analysis to study written or spoken health communication in Dentistry and Healthcare more generally.

  • Isobel Sale, University of Leeds

    Isobel Sale is completing a Masters in English Literature at the University of Leeds. During her undergraduate study in linguistics she undertook a conversation analysis of online forums discussing female urinary incontinence as part of the Q-step internship scheme. She has a passion for using her linguistics background to destigmatise health conditions in this way.

  • Ruth Payne, University of Leeds

    Ruth Payne is an Associate Professor in Student Education in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies at the University of Leeds. Her research interests include classroom language, inclusive assessment, student induction and transition and student belonging.

  • Karen Vinall-Collier, University of Leeds

    Karen Vinall-Collier is a Lecturer in Behavioural Sciences and PhD supervisor in Dental Public Health within the Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Leeds. Her research interests include using qualitative and evidence synthesis methodologies to explore communication in the medical/dental consultation and identify facilitators and barriers to health-related behaviour change.

  • Aradhna Tugnait, University of Leeds

    Aradhna Tugnait is an Associate Professor in Restorative Dentistry and Honorary Specialty Dentist. Her research interests are in systemic disease and periodontal disease and in Dental Education Research and Scholarship, both clinical and applied. She is a Lecturer and PhD supervisor and has co-written two textbooks on periodontology.


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How to Cite

Bowman, M. C., Sale, I., Payne, R., Vinall-Collier, K., & Tugnait, A. (2023). Dental professionals’ role perceptions in relation to periodontal (gum) disease explanations: A thematic discourse analysis approach. Communication and Medicine, 18(3), 223-240.