
A rejoinder to ‘Collecting qualitative data during a pandemic’ by David Silverman


  • Rodney H. Jones University of Reading




Forum Discussion



Author Biography

  • Rodney H. Jones, University of Reading

    Rodney H. Jones is Professor of Sociolinguistics at University of Reading. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Arkansas and a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Macquarie University. His recent books include Discourse and Creativity (Pearson, 2012), Discourse Analysis: A Resource Book for Students (Routledge, 2012), and Understanding Digital Literacies: A Practical Introduction (with Christoph Hafner, 2012, Routledge).


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Norris, Sigrid and Rodney H. Jones (2005) Discourse in Action: Introducing Mediated Discourse Analysis. London: Routledge.

Simmel, Georg (1921) [1908] Sociology of the senses: Visual interaction. In Robert E. Park and Ernest Burgess (eds) Introduction to the Science of Soci­ology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Scollon, Ron (1998) Mediated Discourse as Social Interaction. London: Longman.






Forum Discussion

How to Cite

Jones, R. H. (2021). (Inter)visibility: A rejoinder to ‘Collecting qualitative data during a pandemic’ by David Silverman. Communication and Medicine, 17(2), 181-184. https://doi.org/10.1558/cam.19977