Exploring shared decision making in breast cancer care

A case-based conversation analytic approach


  • Neda Mahmoodi Leeds Beckett University
  • Georgina L. Jones Leeds Beckett University, UK
  • Tom Muskett Leeds Beckett University, UK
  • Sally Sargeant Southern Cross University, Australia




breast cancer, conversation analysis, doctor–patient communication, doctor–patient relationship, shared decision making


Shared decision making (SDM) is acknowledged as the gold standard of healthcare communication, particularly relevant to preference-sensitive care such as breast cancer treatment. However, research on patients’ experiences shows a misalignment between clinicians’ goals and the rhetoric regarding patients’ empowerment during SDM for this treatment. This warrants detailed examination on the conversational dynamics of SDM, and this study aims to identify interactional features and social practices through which SDM is achieved. Fifteen audio recordings from adjuvant treatment breast cancer consultations were examined using the methodology of conversation analysis (CA), and recurrent patterns relevant for understanding SDM were identified. Boundary markers, rhetorical questioning and epistemic markers discouraged a shared orientation to patient participation, reinforcing perceived imbalanced doctor–patient power relations. Cues for SDM such as multi-turn utterances and spaces for transition were presented but not recognised by patients, resulting in sub-optimal two-way discussions about decision making. The findings also reveal that interactional practices were deployed that theoretically should have enabled patients to contribute to SDM. However, in reality these did not result in extended sequences of reciprocated contributions from practitioner and service user. SDM did not happen with the ease implied by current models, and the resultant interactions bore more similarity to expert-led, rather than collaborative, decision making

Author Biographies

  • Georgina L. Jones, Leeds Beckett University, UK

    Georgina Jones received her DPhil from the University of Oxford. She is a chartered psychologist with the British Psychological Society and is currently a Professor of Health Psychology at Leeds Beckett University. Her research interests include quality of life measurement, patient-reported outcome measurement development, and also evaluation and decision making, particularly within the field of women’s reproductive health. 

  • Tom Muskett, Leeds Beckett University, UK

    Tom Muskett is a Senior Lecturer in Community and Critical Psychology in the School of Social Sciences, Leeds Beckett University. He has a clinical background as a speech and language therapist and has worked in a variety of healthcare contexts in practice and service development roles. He has an interest in use of qualitative methods to examine interactions between service users and professionals. 

  • Sally Sargeant, Southern Cross University, Australia

    Sally Sargeant is an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean of Health and Human Sciences at Southern Cross University. She is interested in qualitative health research, health psychology, social representations, discourse and rhetoric. 


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How to Cite

Mahmoodi, N., Jones, G. L., Muskett, T., & Sargeant, S. (2020). Exploring shared decision making in breast cancer care: A case-based conversation analytic approach. Communication and Medicine, 16(1), 40–53. https://doi.org/10.1558/cam.36775