Plagiarism and Originality - Diffusionism in the Study of the History of Cookery


  • Stephen Mennell Independent Scholar Author



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This piece is a bibliographic oddity. It constitutes a paper given by Stephen Mennell at the Oxford Symposium in 1984. It was not included in the published proceedings because it was erroneously thought to have been put into print elsewhere. When looking it out for purposes of citation, Mennell was aghast to find it had never in fact been published and, thinking the arguments retained much of their force, proposed it for PPC. Readers should note that it antedates the author’s All Manners of Food (currently, the second edition, Illinois, 1996).


Banner, Lois W., 1973, ‘Why Women have not been great chefs’, South Atlantic Quarterly, 72 (2) 193-212.

Burkhardt, Jakob, (1860), The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy, London, Phaidon Press, 1944.

Burke, Peter, 1978, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe, London, Temple Smith.

Eisenstein, Elizabeth L., 1969, ‘Some Conjectures about the Impact of Printing on Western Society and Thought: A Preliminary Report’, Journal of Modern History, 40 (1), 1–56.

Elias, Norbert, 1970, African Art from the Collection of Norbert Elias, Exhbition Catalogue, City of Leicester Arts Gallery.

Girard, Alain, 1982, ‘Du manuscrit à l’imprimé: le livre de cuisine en Europe aux 15e et 16e siècles’, in J.-C. Margolin and R. Sauzet, eds., Pratiques et discours alimentaires à la Renaissance, Paris, Maison-neuve et Larose, 107-117.

Goody, Jack R., ed., 1968, Literacy in Traditional Societies, Cambridge University Press.

———, 1977, The Domestication of the Savage Mind, Cambridge University Press.

Harris, Marwin, 1968, The Rise of Anthropological Theory, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Hyman, Philip and Mary, 1979, 1981, ‘La Chapelle and Massialot: An Eighteenth Century Feud’, PPC 2, 44-54; 8, 35-40.

Mennell, Stephen, 1981, Lettre d’un Pâtissier Anglais, University of Exeter.

Revel, J.-F., 1979, Un Festin en Paroles, Paris, J.-J. Pauvert.

Stead, Jennifer, 1983, ‘Quizzing Glasse: or Hannah Scrutinised’, PPC 13, 9-24 and 14, 17-30.

Vasari, Georgio (1550), Lives of the Artists, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1965.

Warner, Richard, 1791, Antiquitates Culinariae, London, R. Blamire.

Wiegelmann, Günter, 1967, Alltags- und Festspeisen, Marburg, N.G. Elwert Verlag.






How to Cite

Plagiarism and Originality - Diffusionism in the Study of the History of Cookery. (2024). Petits Propos Culinaires, 29-38.