Her of Atworth's Purple Mountain


  • Audrey Levy Independent Scholar Author




to follow


Summer pudding has developed into one of those subjects that runs and runs. See Notes and Queries in PPC 60 and 61. And there seems to be scope for further research, eg into the processes by which it mutated from Hydropathic, Rhode Island and Wakefield Pudding. 


Austen, Jane: Emma (ed. R. W. Chapman): OUP, 3rd edn, 1934. (The novel was first published in 1816.)

Ayto, John: The Diner's Dictionary: OUP, 1993.

Beaty-Pownall, Mrs S.: The 'Queen' Cookery Books, No. 6, Sweets, Part 1, London, Horace Cox, 1901.

Beeton, Mrs: Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management: Ward, Lock, edn of 1912.

Beeton, Mrs: Mrs. Beeton's Book of Cookery & Household Management: Ward, Lock, 1960.

Clark, Lady: The Cookery Book of Lady Clark of Tillypronie: Southover Press, 1944 (1st edn was published in 1909).

Costa, Margaret: The Four Seasons Cookbook: Cookery Book Club, 1st edn, 1970.

David, Elizabeth: Summer Cooking: Penguin Books 1965. (The 1st edn was in 1955.)

Grigson, Jane: English Food: Macmillan London, 1979. (The 1st edn was published in 1974.)

Hartley, Dorothy: Food in England: Macdonald & Jane's, 1975. This book was first published in 1954.

Jack, Florence B.: Cookery for Every Household: T.C. & E.C. Jack, 1924 edn. Had first been published in 1914.

Kendell, Jan (ed.): Old Sussex Recipes: 1982.

Leyel, Mrs C. F.: Puddings: George Routledge & Sons, undated.

Lowinski, Ruth: Food for Pleasure: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1950.

Martineau, Mrs Philip: Caviare to Candy: Richard Cobden-Sanderson, 1st edn, 1927.

Ministry of Food: The Kitchen Front: 1942.

Oxford Book of English Verse: OUP, 1939 (for quotations from Shakespeare & John Donne).

Shorter Oxford English Dictionary: 2nd edn, 1936.

Round, Jeremy: The Independent Cook: Barrie & Jenkins, 1988.

Saberi, Helen: in 'Notes and Queries' in PPC 60

Salmon, Alice Wooledge & Hugo Dunn Meynell: The Wine & Food Society Menu Book: Heinemann, 1983.

Wilson, C. Anne: Food & Drink in Britain, Cookery Book Club, 1973.






How to Cite

Levy, Audrey. 2024. “Her of Atworth’s Purple Mountain”. Petits Propos Culinaires, July, 23-28. https://doi.org/10.1558/ppc.30024.