Archestratus In Perspective

the Ingredients


  • Carmen Soares University of Coimbra Author



Archestratus , ancient Greece, ingredients, quality hierarchies, sensory faculties, culinary traits, social history, connoisseurship


The fourth-century bc Sicilian poet Archestratus was the author of the oldest surviving text from ancient Greece on the pleasure of consuming food. This paper concentrates on the specific foods – in culinary terminology, ingredients – mentioned in the surviving verses and their bearing on the history of ancient Greek food. 

Author Biography

  • Carmen Soares, University of Coimbra

    Carmen Soares is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Letters (University of Coimbra), where she is head of the PhD programme in Food Heritage: Cultures and Identities. She has written extensively on classical literature and food history.


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How to Cite

Archestratus In Perspective: the Ingredients. (2019). Petits Propos Culinaires, 73-84.