‘And in the Morning the Cook … Shall Go into his Kitchen’

Juan Altamiras’ New Art of Cookery, its Origins & Defining Influence on Modern Spanish Cookery


  • Vicky Hayward Independent Scholar Author




Juan Altamiras, New Art of Cookery, Learned From The School of Economic Experience (1745),, Early Modern Spain, 18th century, cookbook history, mendicant, monastic and convent refectories, new world exchange, famine, socioeconomic, rural poor, morisco culture, cooking techniques, flavour combinations, food symbolism, Franciscan order, cross-cultural, catholic food culture, reception history, interreligious encounter, food and religion


This article contextualizes the approach taken by and publication of Juan Altamiras' recipe book, New Art of Cookery, Learned From The School of Economic Experience (1745). It considers the book as a surfacing of long-evolving and specifically Spanish Franciscan food philosophy and unpacks the mechanisms by which its influence spread through popular cookery. Viewed in such a long perspective and using different methodological approaches, one can follow spiritually rooted ideas carrying secular implications which, when detached from friary life and absorbed into a wider cultural arena, nurtured emerging popular Spanish gastronomy and influenced the wider development of ‘economic’ cookery. 

Author Biography

  • Vicky Hayward, Independent Scholar

    Vicky Hayward lives in Madrid and has written in Spain and other countries about food matters. Her edition and translation of Juan Altamiras was published in 2017. The essay printed below received a special commendation from the judges of this year’s Sophie Coe Prize.


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How to Cite

‘And in the Morning the Cook … Shall Go into his Kitchen’: Juan Altamiras’ New Art of Cookery, its Origins & Defining Influence on Modern Spanish Cookery. (2024). Petits Propos Culinaires, 26-53. https://doi.org/10.1558/ppc.27844