Notions of a Non-drinking Gastronome

Experiences from Aotearoa New Zealand


  • Max Thomson Auckland University of Technology Author
  • Lindsay Neill Auckland University of Technology Author



france, new zealand, food and alcohol, alcohol consumptioin, inebriation, lifestyles, socialization, cultural identity, drinking cultures, wine, food and drink pairing, masculinity, dining cultures, abstinence, qualitative study, menu evolution, hospitality industry, bottled water, aesthetics, self-representation, gastronome, taste, culinary capital, elitism, class mobility, experience


We explore the gastronomic nexus of food and alcohol. Within our inquiry, we ask, can one be a gastronome and not drink alcohol? To locate our topic, we begin by summarizing France’s reputation as the epicentre of food, style, and sophistication. Then, we explore considerations of gastronomy and notions reflecting being and becoming a gastronome. Next, we provide an overview of the drinking cultures of France and New Zealand. That exploration is important because New Zealand and France hold different attitudes toward alcohol consumption. Then, we introduce our methodology, our participants, and our research findings. We conclude our paper by noting how a gastronome who does not consume alcohol might reflect a gastronome’s dynamic and critical brief inasmuch as being and becoming a gastronome is a dynamic process.

Author Biographies

  • Max Thomson, Auckland University of Technology

    Max Thomson has just completed his MA in Gastronomy at the Auckland University of Technology. As an early-stage researcher, this is Max’s first academic publication. Max’s research interests include the nexus of food and identity, and how popular culture impacts the foods we enjoy.

  • Lindsay Neill , Auckland University of Technology

    Lindsay Neill is a Senior Lecturer in Hospitality Management at Auckland University of Technology. Lindsay’s research interests include the link between food and identity, New Zealand’s vernacular food culture, and the interpretation of Beatles lyrics.


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How to Cite

Notions of a Non-drinking Gastronome: Experiences from Aotearoa New Zealand. (2022). Petits Propos Culinaires, 94-112.