From Banquet to Dessert

the English Sweet Course 1500-1700


  • Mary-Anne Boermans Independent Scholar Author



menu evolution, England, Desserts, dining customs, banquet course, banqueting houses, refreshments, running banquets, dining tables, 16th-century, 17th-century, court, sugar, meal courses


This article traces the history of the sweet course in the English menu and how it migrated to the end of the meal.

Author Biography

  • Mary-Anne Boermans, Independent Scholar

    Mary-Anne Boermans was a finalist in the 2011 series of The Great British Bake Off and is now a successful food blogger. Her interests have lately been in British food history. Her book Great British Bakes: Forgotten Treasures for Modern Bakers was published by Square Peg, as is her most recent, Deja Food: Second Helpings of Classic British Dishes (2017).


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How to Cite

From Banquet to Dessert: the English Sweet Course 1500-1700. (2022). Petits Propos Culinaires, 45-72.