Developing illustrative “Can Do” descriptors for dictionary use by foreign language learners


  • Yukio Tono Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
  • Naho Kawamoto Tokyo University of Foreign Studies



dictionary use, "can do" descriptors, CEFR, skill inventories


In this paper, we discuss the development of “can do” descriptors for dictionary use in English language teaching. With the CEFR gaining prominence as a tool for language proficiency assessment and the proliferation of traditional and online dictionaries, there’s a renewed focus on defining dictionary skills within the CEFR framework. Through an extensive literature review, we compiled skill inventories showcasing learners’ abilities with dictionaries across tasks. Our “can do” questionnaire results highlight varying skill levels and reveal gaps between perceived and actual proficiency, emphasizing the importance of refining questionnaire items to align with real-world abilities.

Author Biographies

  • Yukio Tono, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

    Yukio Tono heads the World Language Center at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in Japan. He is interested in L2 dictionary use, corpus applications in language learning, resource development using corpora and the CEFR.

  • Naho Kawamoto, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

    Naho Kawamoto is a lecturer at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in Japan. Her research interest includes L2 dictionary use and the quality of illustrative examples for learner’s dictionaries.


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How to Cite

Tono, Y., & Kawamoto, N. (2024). Developing illustrative “Can Do” descriptors for dictionary use by foreign language learners. Lexicography, 11(1), 28-55.