Making known the what and the why

On foregrounding cultural information in cross-cultural lexicography


  • Cuilian Zhao Sichuan International Studies University



cultural information, cross-cultural lexicography, foregrounding, defamiliarization


Language is deeply intertwined with culture, and understanding the cultural nuances embedded in words and phrases is crucial for effective communication. Bilingual dictionaries play an important role in bridging the linguistic and cultural gap between languages. This paper examines the inclusion and representation of cultural information in bilingual lexicography, with a particular focus on Chinese-English dictionary compilation. It emphasizes the need to provide not only the meaning and usage of words and phrases (the what), but also the cultural nuances and the background behind them (the why). Furthermore, the presentation of cultural information in bilingual dictionaries requires the exploration of different methods and techniques. In this context, the paper explores the concepts of defamiliarization and foregrounding as means of emphasizing cultural aspects through explanatory notes, cultural annotations, examples from literature or popular culture, and other relevant resources.

Author Biography

  • Cuilian Zhao, Sichuan International Studies University

    Zhao Cuilian PhD is a professor of English at Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China. She has taught at other institutions of higher learning, including Fudan University. Her research interests include lexicography, psycholinguistics, and stylistics. She is a practitioner of dictionary-making, having participated in a number of dictionary projects with renowned publishers.



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How to Cite

Zhao, C. (2024). Making known the what and the why: On foregrounding cultural information in cross-cultural lexicography. Lexicography, 11(1), 56-77.