Compilation and uses of the 'Yonsei Korean Synonyms Dictionary for Learners'


  • Mikyung Bong Yonsei University
  • Sunhye Kim Yonsei University



synonym, synonym dictionary, synonym differentiation dictionary, thesaurus, microstructure, lexicography


The purpose of this study is to introduce the compilation process and characteristics of the new Yonsei Korean Synonyms Dictionary (YKSD), and to suggest how the synonym dictionary could be used in teaching language. Despite the importance of synonym distinction for language learners and teachers, thus far, synonym dictionaries have generally presented lists of synonyms, in a manner similar to a thesaurus. We would like to introduce the YKSD as a new model for a Korean thesaurus, and discuss what information is presented and how the information is illustrated. We provide the lexical information and description of synonyms based on an analysis of corpus rather than the intuition of dictionary compilers. The macrostructure and microstructure of the YKSD are specially designed to assist in distinguishing synonyms. The contents of this dictionary can be used in various ways in the course of developing teaching materials for language learners. In this study, we will look at the uses of this dictionary.

Author Biographies

  • Mikyung Bong, Yonsei University

    Mikyung Bong is a research fellow at the Institute of Language and Information Studies (ILIS) at Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea). She holds a PhD in Korean linguistics from Yonsei University. She participated in the compilation of the Yonsei Elementary Korean Dictionary and the Synonym Dictionary for Korean Language Learners. She currently teaches Korean Lexicography and Academic Writing at Yonsei University, and serves as a member of the Korean Dictionary Review Committee at the National Institute of Korean Language (NIKL). Her research interests include corpus linguistics, lexical semantics, and lexicography.

  • Sunhye Kim, Yonsei University

    Sunhye Kim is an academic research professor at the Institute of Language and Information Studies (ILIS) at Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea), and holds a PhD in Korean linguistics (The Study of Korean Periphrastic Construction, 2019) from Yonsei University. She participated in the compilation of the Yonsei Elementary Korean Dictionary. She is currently teaching Writing and Syntax at Yonsei University. Her research focuses on corpus linguistics, syntax, and lexicography.


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How to Cite

Bong, M., & Kim, S. (2024). Compilation and uses of the ’Yonsei Korean Synonyms Dictionary for Learners’. Lexicography, 11(1), 78-98.