From culture to (un)shared concept

networking literal, cross-cultural, and conceptual aspects in the CEDU


  • Cuilian Zhao Sichuan International Studies University



bilingual lexicography, cross-cultural representation, conceptual representation, cognition, CEDU


Two theoretical constructs (the bilingual mental lexicon and the depth of processing framework) and the Whorfian hypothesis of linguistic determinism plus related concepts (differentiation, codability, and Zift’s law) are incorporated into a framework in this paper to account for the representation of (cross-)cultural information in bilingual lexicography. After briefly introducing the theoretical framework, the paper goes on to discuss the representation of literal, conceptual, and cross-cultural aspects in the Chinese–English Dictionary (Unabridged) (henceforth the CEDU) in three sections: making explicit the implicit literal or etymological information to account for senses in use; acculturating expressions, definitions, and illustrative examples; and cultural immersion in exemplification appealing to both refined and popular tastes. Each section encompasses multilevel factors in the treatment of bilingual entries with a focus on (cross-) cultural representations.

Author Biography

  • Cuilian Zhao, Sichuan International Studies University

    Zhao Cuilian, PhD, is professor of English at Sichwuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China. She has taught at other institutions of higher learning, including Fudan University. Her research interests include lexicography, psycholinguistics, and stylistics. She has published two monographs and thirty-something papers in journals such as Foreign Language Teaching and Research and Foreign Languages. She is a practitioner of dictionary-making, having participated in a number of dictionary projects with renowned publishers and compiled or bilingualized more than 16 dictionaries.


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How to Cite

Zhao, C. . (2021). From culture to (un)shared concept: networking literal, cross-cultural, and conceptual aspects in the CEDU. Lexicography, 8(2), 130–148.