On CEDU’s treatment of culture-bound lexical items under the beyond-equivalence principle


  • Jiangbo Wan Fudan University




The Chinese–English Dictionary Unabridged (CEDU), culture-bound lexical item, beyond equivalence, compensation


The Chinese–English Dictionary Unabridged (hereinafter abbreviated as CEDU) pursues a guiding principle of reserved descriptivism and includes far more culture-bound entries than other Chinese–English dictionaries, which has greatly increased the difficulty in dictionary-making. Accordingly, how CEDU has planned to treat culture-bound lexical items in principle and how it has tackled the difficulties in applying the principle deserves our attention. This study probes into the essence of the beyond-equivalence principle proposed by its editor-in-chief Lu Gusun and his ideas of acculturation and cultural over-flow. This study explores three major compensation operations in treating culture-bound lexical items: 1) to use lexicographical metalanguage to compensate for lacunae beyond equivalence, 2) to compensate for the treatment of an entry word through examples, 3) to use both foreignization and domestication to compensate one another in rendering equivalents.

Author Biography

  • Jiangbo Wan, Fudan University

    Wan Jiangbo, PhD, is professor of applied linguistics at Fudan University, Shanghai, China and chief executive editor of The Chinese–English Dictionary Unabridged. Her research interests include bilingual lexicography, translation studies, and rhetoric.


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How to Cite

Wan, J. . (2021). On CEDU’s treatment of culture-bound lexical items under the beyond-equivalence principle. Lexicography, 8(2), 149-165. https://doi.org/10.1558/lexi.20992