Principles and practice of cross-referencing in paper and electronic dictionaries with specific reference to African languages


  • Danie Prinsloo University of Pretoria
  • Neill Daniel van Graan University of Pretoria



cross-references, paper dictionaries, electronic dictionaries, African languages, hyperlinking, reference position, reference markers, reference address, implicit cross-references, explicit cross-references


In the first section of this article, the basic principles and practices of cross-referencing are discussed mainly in reference to paper dictionaries. This is followed by a section on cross-referencing in electronic dictionaries. Although the principles underlying cross-references in paper and electronic dictionaries are the same, many, more sophisticated options, which the authors call 'true electronic features', are available to the lexicographer in the computer era. Cross-references are used on a much larger scale in electronic dictionaries since almost every word or element in a dictionary article can be cross-referenced to an address where the user can find more information. Cross-referencing in electronic dictionaries largely revolve around multiple uses of hyperlinking. In the final section, cross-referencing, or the lack thereof, will be discussed for African language dictionaries. Typical instances where cross-references are required in dictionaries for these languages will be outlined and the compilation of model entries will be attempted.

Author Biographies

  • Danie Prinsloo, University of Pretoria

    Danie Prinsloo is a professor in the Department of African Languages at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.

  • Neill Daniel van Graan, University of Pretoria

    Neill Daniel van Graan is a student in Applied Language Studies at the University of Pretoria.


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How to Cite

Prinsloo, D. ., & van Graan, N. D. . (2021). Principles and practice of cross-referencing in paper and electronic dictionaries with specific reference to African languages. Lexicography, 8(1), 32–58.