The Event-Domain Cognitive Model perspective on terminology

A case study of atmospheric environment


  • Yi Peng Hunan Normal University



Event-Domain Cognitive Model, Terminology, Atmospheric environment, Conceptualization


While terminology as independent discipline has moved toward two general orientations—the direction of the traditional terminology once predominating in early terminological development and the conficting ones occurring afterward—some essential issues of terminology still remain of concern, for example, relations between terms, concepts, and the world. Following the literature review on earlier research of such relations, two triangles similar to the semiotic triangle based on previous pertinent philosophy and linguistics are proposed. One is the triangle underlying traditional terminology; the other is linked with the cognitive linguistic perspective on terminology or cognitive terminology, for instance, Temmerman (Toward New Ways of Terminology Description: The Sociocognitive Approach. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2000) and Faber (Investigar en terminología. Granada, Comares, 2002; A Cognitive Linguistics View of Terminology and Specialized Language. De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, 2012). With the foundation of the cognitive terminological studies, in particular based on the theory of the Event-Domain Cognitive Model (ECM) by Wang (Modern Foreign Languages 28(1):17–26, 2005), along with the later proposal of the Environmental Event (EE) by the Faber group, understanding of special terms on atmospheric environment (AE) is enhanced. Before giving an explanation about construal of AE terms, I drew on relevant corpora and term extraction tools to retrieve the terms. Following analyses of the AE terms, exemplifed by the term “air/??”, with the ECM and its specifc variants, it is concluded that the three-level ECM is truly valuable for revealing cognitive structures and corresponding semantic content of the term, which is also informative helping to identify other potential terms acting not just as nouns but also as verbs and adjectives, etc.


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How to Cite

Peng, Y. (2019). The Event-Domain Cognitive Model perspective on terminology: A case study of atmospheric environment. Lexicography, 6(1), 43-67.