Operationalizing reflective practice in second language teacher education (SLTE)


  • Thomas SC Farrell Brock University Author




Holistic reflective practice, reflective framework, philosophy, principles, theory, practice


Reflective practice in the field of TESOL has been warmly embraced in many teacher education and development programs worldwide. However, one of the important issues that is still not clear to many educators is how reflection should be implemented. In this article, I argue that one of the reasons for the confusion about operationalizing reflective practice is that most of the existing approaches that have blossomed since the 1990s are restrictive. Thus, a more holistic approach to reflection should be adopted through the framework for reflecting on practice in SLTE.


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How to Cite

Farrell, T. S. (2022). Operationalizing reflective practice in second language teacher education (SLTE). Second Language Teacher Education, 1(1), 71–88. https://doi.org/10.1558/slte.21881