Environmental Politics and Policy in Queensland Under Labor, 1998–2012


  • Paul Norton Griffith University




Environmental policies, Labor dominance, population and economic growth


Environmental issues have been politically salient in Queensland throughout recent decades of Labor dominance. While in general Labor has benefited politically from being regarded as the ‘greener’ of the major parties, state Labor governments have also sometimes found environmental policy difficult to deal with. This is partly a reflection of the political passions that environmental and resource use conflicts can generate and is partly due to the pressures on environmental assets from population and economic growth in Queensland; primarily, however, it reflects the difficulty of reconciling environmental and sustainability policy goals with the historically dominant model of development in Queensland.

Author Biography

  • Paul Norton, Griffith University

    Paul Norton lectures and researches in the School of Government and International Relations at Griffith University, specialising in environmental politics and policy. His research interests include environmental politics and policy, relations between the labour movement and environmental movement, social movement theory, theories of radical democracy and wicked problems.


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How to Cite

Norton, P. (2013). Environmental Politics and Policy in Queensland Under Labor, 1998–2012. Queensland Review, 20(1), 52-68. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2013.5