'Tinned Literature'?

Literary Discussion in 'The Brisbane Courier' (1930)


  • Leigh Dale University of Wollongong




Queensland literary culture, newspapers, 'The Brisbane Courier', literary discussion


To date, histories of literary culture in Queensland have not paid particular attention to newspapers, despite the fact that metropolitan and regional publications carried considerable material that allows us insight into the ways in which books were circulated and evaluated. Reviews and essays sat alongside advertisements run by department stores, specialist retailers, large distributors and newsagents, in turn jostling for attention with interviews with authors, poems, reports of literary gatherings and substantial critical essays. This article offers a ‘case study’ of literary materials in The Brisbane Courier, part of a project on the representation of literature (broadly conceived) in Australian newspapers from 1930. The year 1930 was chosen because the interwar years are so frequently characterised, in discussion of the critical study of Australian literature in particular, as a time of neglect, and the Depression as a catalyst for the gradual narrowing of literary horizons. Our larger aim is to understand this historical period better, as well as to calibrate the discussion of Australian literature against the discussion of literature generally. By focusing on a single year for data collection, we have been able to assemble a rich and detailed picture of ‘talk about books’. This, in turn, has enabled us to analyse the significant differences between, for example, the ways in which books are discussed and represented as commercial and aesthetic objects in regional and metropolitan newspapers (see Dale and Thomson 2010).

Author Biography

  • Leigh Dale, University of Wollongong

    Leigh Dale teaches literature at the University of Wollongong, where she is also head of the School of English Literatures and Philosophy. Her book, The enchantment of English, was published by Sydney University Press in 2012, and she is the editor of the journal Australian literary studies.


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How to Cite

Dale, L. (2012). ’Tinned Literature’? Literary Discussion in ’The Brisbane Courier’ (1930). Queensland Review, 19(2), 190-204. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2012.22