Our Chains

Rear View Reflections


  • Merle Thornton




Regatta Hotel protest, public response, Museum of Brisbane, campaign to admit women to public bars


On 31 March 1965, Ro Bogner and I went into the public bar of the Regatta Hotel in Brisbane's Coronation Drive and tried to order a lemonade each. Because we were women, we were refused and ordered out, but we did not leave. We chained ourselves to the bar rail instead. The barman, then the publican, then police — first uniformed then plain-clothes — tried hard to get us to leave without force. When they failed, they unexpectedly left us to it. At once there followed a storm of publicity, even extending overseas, and public response ranging from passionate support to hostile opposition right through to threats of violence and even death.

Forty-one years later, in the Museum of Brisbane in the City Hall, I saw photos, press clippings and texts about this first, and subsequent, demonstrations in the campaign to admit women to public bars in Queensland. The context was the recent Taking to the Streets Exhibition, an extensive and well-researched showing of the radical movements in Brisbane in 1965–85. Looking back, how do I now view the Regatta demonstration and the subsequent campaigns for change for women in which I was involved? Where do they stand in relation to changes since? Do they still have relevance to goals for women now?

Author Biography

  • Merle Thornton

    Merle Thornton is one of Australia’s best-known feminist activists since chaining herself to the bar-rail of the Regatta Hotel. Her fiction includes a novel After Moonlight (Interactive Press, Brisbane, 2004), a play, Playing Mothers and Fathers (premiered Carlton Courthouse Theatre, Melbourne, 1990) and television writing (Prisoner episodes, 1980s). She has written and produced documentaries on equal opportunity, as well as Aboriginal culture, and has published numerous academic articles mainly on social theory of gender, and general articles on feminist topics. She introduced the teaching of Women’s Studies to Australian universities with a University of Queensland course in 1973.







Part 1: Reflecting on the Era

How to Cite

Thornton, M. (2007). Our Chains: Rear View Reflections. Queensland Review, 14(1), 51-60. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1321816600005985