Past and Present Collide

Bringing Together the Museum of Brisbane's Exhibition 'Taking to the Streets: Two Decades That Changed Brisbane, 1965–1985'


  • Jo Besley Museum of Brisbane
  • Louise Denoon Museum of Brisbane
  • Katie McConnel Museum of Brisbane



Museum of Brisbane, 'Taking to the Streets: Two Decades That Changed Brisbane, 1965–1985', Brisbane Peace Convergence, water-borne protest, public protest


On 23 January 2006, the US Navy's biggest military vessel, the nuclear powered USS Ronald Reagan, arrived in Brisbane for a five-day visit. With estimates that the 6,000 strong crew would pump around $5 million into the local economy, the media, businesses and politicians welcomed the visit as a fabulous opportunity for the city. The Brisbane Peace Convergence, a coalition of local peace groups, disagreed and attempted a water-borne protest. The police intercepted the flotilla of kayaks and rowboats before they even got close to the USS Ronald Reagan because the entire Brisbane River had been declared an exclusion zone. This action and other acts of public protest in response to the ship's rubbish washing up on the shores of Moreton Bay and the Sunshine Coast were given little press coverage.

Author Biographies

  • Jo Besley, Museum of Brisbane

    Jo Besley is Curator, Histories and Community, at the Museum of Brisbane.

  • Louise Denoon, Museum of Brisbane

    Louise Denoon is Senior Curator at the Museum of Brisbane.

  • Katie McConnel, Museum of Brisbane

    Katie McConnel was until recently the Research Historian at Museum of Brisbane. In addition to local Brisbane history, her other research interests are Queensland’s political history, museums and history, and the meteorologist Clement Wragge.








How to Cite

Besley, J., Denoon, L., & McConnel, K. (2007). Past and Present Collide: Bringing Together the Museum of Brisbane’s Exhibition ’Taking to the Streets: Two Decades That Changed Brisbane, 1965–1985’. Queensland Review, 14(1), 1-10.