Regionalism in Audiovisual Production

The Case of Queensland


  • Stuart Cunningham Queensland University of Technology



Audiovisual production, southern Queensland, regional upsurge, South Australian Film Corporation


A great deal has been made of the boom in audiovisual production based in southern Queensland (and to some extent in northern Queensland) in the 1990s. This follows a pattern throughout the so-called ‘revival’ period (since the early 1970s) in Australia which has seen successive moments of regional upsurge. In the 1970s, it was South Australia, under the energetic leadership of the South Australian Film Corporation, that saw many of the best feature films and several of the early historical mini-series of the early revival period made in that state (see, for example, Moran). During the early to mid-1980s, Western Australia, with the location of bold production houses such as Barron Films and strong independent documentary traditions, offered robust regional opportunities, culminating in such memorable films as Shame and Fran.

Author Biography

  • Stuart Cunningham, Queensland University of Technology

    STUART CUNNINGHAM, Associate Professor of Media Studies, Queensland University of Technology is the author of two books and numerous articles on Australian film, television and policy. He is a Commissioner of the Australian Film Commission and an editor of Media Information Australia.


Australian Film Commission (AFC), ‘National Survey of Film, Television and Video Production 1991–92, October, 1992.

Australian Film Commission (AFC), ‘National Survey of Film, Television and Video Production 1992–93’, November, 1993.

Cunningham, S. and Jacka, E.. ‘VR/WR: Mysteries of the Organisation’, Cinema Papers December, 1993.

Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment and Territories (DASET). The Role of the Commonwealth in Australia's Cultural Development, DASET, Canberra, April, 1992.

John Giles Consulting. Film Industry Opportunities for the Gold Coast Albert Region: An Economic Perspective, Report for the Gold Coast Albert Regional Development Committee and the Department of Business Industry and Regional Development, April, 1992.

Jones, D. ‘McMullan Previews Culture Plan’, The Australian, 10 December, 1993:15.

KPMG Management Consulting. A History of Offshore Production in the UK: A Report for the Australian Film Commission, AFC, April, 1992.

Moran, A. ‘The South Australian Film Corporation: A State Capitalist Venture’, Framework Nos 22/23, Autumn, 1983; reprinted in Moran, A. and O'Regan, T., eds, An Australian Film Reader. Sydney: Currency Press, 1985.






How to Cite

Cunningham, S. (1994). Regionalism in Audiovisual Production: The Case of Queensland. Queensland Review, 1(1), 47-54.