Metropolitan Policy and Regional Politics

Reconciliation and Racism in the Redevelopment of Toowoomba's Quarry


  • Christopher Lee



Toowoomba, State and Federal government, One Nation, regional communities


The increasing inability of State and Federal governments to develop policy which articulates with the lived experiences of the many different regional communities has been a significant factor in electoral disenchantment with the political system and the subsequent rise of One Nation. The situation has not been helped by metropolitan intellectuals' penchant for resorting to patronising provincial stereotypes of the regional cultures so as to fashion themselves as an ethical, because multicultural, site of modernity. This article explores the tensions between local, State and Federal decision making processes and their reception in a regional community by examining the racially inflected controversy over the redevelopment of the Bridge Street quarry in the ‘conservative’ garden city of Toowoomba.


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How to Cite

Lee, C. (1998). Metropolitan Policy and Regional Politics: Reconciliation and Racism in the Redevelopment of Toowoomba’s Quarry. Queensland Review, 5(2), 20-32.