A 10-Point Plan and a Treaty

Images of Indigenous People in the Press in Australia and Canada


  • Michael Meadows Griffith University




Indigenous people in Australia and Canada, reconciliation process, political will, land rights


The last decade of the twentieth century has seen some highly significant symbolic advances for Indigenous people in Australia and Canada representing golden opportunities for their respective governments to advance the reconciliation process. But the political will to capitalise on them has varied enormously. This paper focuses on two case studies drawn from Australia and Canada which look at Indigenous people's continuing struggle for land rights.

Author Biography

  • Michael Meadows, Griffith University

    MICHAEL MEADOWS' research interests include journalism practices and theory, community radio, media representation og Indigenous affairs, and Indigenous media policy and practices in Australia and Canada. He is a Senior Lecturer in Journalism at Griffith University in Brisbane.


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How to Cite

Meadows, M. (1999). A 10-Point Plan and a Treaty: Images of Indigenous People in the Press in Australia and Canada. Queensland Review, 6(1), 50-76. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1321816600001884