Wonderful Progress

Alternative Currents in Colonial Brisbane


  • Stephen Stockwell Griffith University




Brisbane colonial history, paradigm of progress, environmental consciousness, 'anti-political' tendencies


Despite constructions of Brisbane's colonial history as a predominantly authoritarian pursuit of progress, reconsideration of the early years of white arrival reveals alternative tendencies that suggest an ambivalence to the paradigm of progress. These tendencies are precursors to an environmental, ‘anti-political’ consciousness that continues to play a role in the city and that contributes to the perception that Brisbane is ‘different.’

Author Biography

  • Stephen Stockwell, Griffith University

    Stephen Stockwell is a Senior Lecturer in Journalism and Communication with the School of Arts, Griffith University, Gold Coast.


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How to Cite

Stockwell, S. (2000). Wonderful Progress: Alternative Currents in Colonial Brisbane. Queensland Review, 7(1), 13-22. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1321816600002038