Smart State

Queensland in the Knowledge Economy


  • Gillian Sullivan Mort University of Queensland
  • Amanda Roan University of Queensland



Knowledge economy, policy frameworks, policy evaluation and development, Smart State


This paper aims at providing some understanding of emerging elements of the knowledge economy and the policy frameworks that might be developed to foster regional entities that will prosper by meeting the challenges of engagement in the global knowledge economy. Through a review of extant and emerging literatures a novel conceptual framework is developed to assist in policy evaluation and development. This framework is then applied to Queensland's Smart State suite of policies. The paper concludes that Queensland has in place many elements of the policy framework required to foster a knowledge economy. It is argued however that several tensions within the policy framework are evident, and as this is an emergent area of policy development, further in-depth evaluation of both the policy settings and the effectiveness of policy is warranted.

Author Biographies

  • Gillian Sullivan Mort, University of Queensland

    Gillian Sullivan Mort is currently a Lecturer at UQ Business School and will shortly take up an appointment as Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, at the Australian National University, Canberra. She teaches, consults and conducts research in the areas of the knowledge economy and innovation, m-marketing / m-commerce, international marketing and consumer behaviour. Before moving to academia she pursued a career as a consultant and human services manager.

  • Amanda Roan, University of Queensland

    Amanda Roan is a Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at the UQ Business School, St Lucia. Her doctoral thesis explored issues surrounding training and skills development policies as applied in Australian workplaces. She has published in the areas of gender and training, industrial relations, organisational change, and women in management.


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How to Cite

Sullivan Mort, G., & Roan, A. (2003). Smart State: Queensland in the Knowledge Economy. Queensland Review, 10(1), 11-28.