The Demise of Central Queensland's Small-scale Sapphire Miners



  • Daniel Teghe Central Queensland University
  • Jim McAllister Central Queensland University



Queensland small-scale sapphire mining, economic 'efficiency', marginalisation, state policy, small communities


In the capitalistic drive for economic and social ‘restructuring’ and an increase in economic ‘efficiency’, some of the industries supporting small-scale enterprises have been marginalised and labelled as ‘anachronistic’. Whilst studying the culture of the Queensland small-scale sapphire miner, we took the opportunity to observe and analyse a case of how this phenomenon and its consequences can develop in a specific community. Generally, we found that, when state policy supports and encourages larger enterprises to displace established small-scale enterprises in a particular industry, this can have dire consequences for small communities.

Author Biographies

  • Daniel Teghe, Central Queensland University

    Daniel Teghe is a political sociologist, and is presently a postdoctoral research fellow in the Faculty of Education and-Creative Arts at Central Queensland University. He has researched and written in a number of areas, including regional and community development, education and online learning, and community aged care.

  • Jim McAllister, Central Queensland University

    Jim McAllister is a Lecturer in Sociology in the Faculty of Arts, Health and Sciences at the Rockhamapton Campus of Central Queensland University. His research interests lie in labour issues in farming (Australia and our neighbours), property inequality in rural areas (native and transplanted tenures) and small non-agricultural rural industries.


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How to Cite

Teghe, D., & McAllister, J. (2004). The Demise of Central Queensland’s Small-scale Sapphire Miners: 1970–1995. Queensland Review, 11(1), 83-95.