Literary Sidelights on Wartime Brisbane


  • Patricia Clarke



Brisbane literary scene, World War II, 'Meanjin', Clem Christesen


There have been several anecdotal accounts of the literary scene in Brisbane during World War II and numerous references in more general works. In 2000, Queensland Review published some reminiscences of writers Estelle Runcie Pinney, Don Munro, Val Vallis and David Rowbotham, under the title ‘Writing in Brisbane during the Second World War’. Some of the more important general works include Judith Wright's ‘Brisbane in Wartime’, Lynne Strahan's history of Meanjin and Judith Armstrong's biographical work on the Christesens, The Christesen Romance. My interest in this subject arose from editing Judith Wright's autobiography, Half a Lifetime, published in 1999, and recently in editing, with her daughter, letters between Judith Wright and Jack McKinney which were mainly written in Brisbane in the later years of the war and the immediate postwar period. Initially my purpose was to gather information to elucidate people or events mentioned in these writings, but my interest widened to embrace more general information about the period. My research led me to the conclusion that Meanjin and its editor Clem Christesen were catalysts for many of the literary activities in Brisbane during World War II, not just among resident Australians, but among troops temporarily stationed in Brisbane — particularly Americans, whom Christesen cultivated and published. This article records a few glimpses of literary life in Brisbane, and incidentally in the rest of the country, during a period described by Patrick Buckridge as never having been researched ‘in enough detail’.

Author Biography

  • Patricia Clarke

    Patricia Clarke is the author of eight books on women in nineteenth-century Australia, including several biographies of women writers. Her most recent book is a co-edited edition of Judith Wright/Jack McKinney letters, The Equal Heart and Mind, published by the University of Queensland Press in 2004. She was awarded a PhD (by Publication) by Griffith University in 2004.


Buckridge, Patrick, ‘Writing in Brisbane during the Second World War: A Panel Discussion chaired by Patrick Buckridge’, Queensland Review 7(2) (October 2000): 9–24. This was an edited transcript of a panel discussion entitled ‘Reading and Writing the War’, which was held at the Warana Writers’ Festival at the Old Customs House, Brisbane in September 1995.

Overland, 100 (September 1985): 64–68.

Strahan, Lynne, Just City and Mirrors: Meanjin Quarterly and the Intellectual Front, 1940–1965 (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1984): Ch. 2.

Armstrong, Judith, The Christesen Romance (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1996): Ch. 3.

Clarke, Patricia and McKinney, Meredith, eds, The Equal Heart and Mind: Letters of Judith Wright and Jack McKinney (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2004).

Buckridge, ‘Writing in Brisbane during the Second World War’: 9.

Fabinyi, Andrew, ‘The State of Publishing’, Meanjin, 6(4) (1947): 219; also Strahan, Just City and Mirrors: 41.

Quoted from Dobson, Rosemary, A World of Difference: Australian Poetry and Painting in the 1940s: The Third Herbert Blaiklock Memorial Lecture, University of Sydney, 21 June 1973, (Sydney: Wentworth Press, 1973): 11.

Tregenza, John, Australian Little Magazines 1923–1954: Their Role in Forming and Reflecting Literary Trends (Adelaide: Libraries Board of South Australia, 1964): 54–55.

Southerly: The Magazine of the Australian English Association, Sydney (April 1940): 3.

Meanjin Papers, 1 (Christmas 1940): Foreword.

Clem Christesen to Nettie Palmer, 11 April 1944, Palmer Papers, NLA 1174 6532; Strahan, Just City and Mirrors: 26.

Judith Wright to Clem Christesen, 29 July 1942, Meanjin Archive, Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne.

Wright, J. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, 23 February 1943.

Priest, Joan, The Literary Pinnacle, Scribblers Publishing, Mudgeeraba, Qld, 1998, p. 16. Priest names the job as University Statistician. Judith was not offered this job until late 1945, nearly two years after she began working at the Universities Commission.

Armstrong, The Christesen Romance: 54.

Meanjin Archive, Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne, correspondence between Judith Wright and Clem Christesen.

Wright, J. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, 25 January 1944.

Meanjin Papers, Vol. 2. No. 1, Autumn 1943, p. 2.

Clarke, Donovan, ‘The Poet in Wartime’, Meanjin Papers 2(4) (Summer 1943): 30.

Clarke, Patricia, ‘In Love with a Man and a Mind’, National Library of Australia News (March 2001): 8–10.

Wright, Judith, Half a Lifetime (Melbourne: Text. 1999): Ch. 8.

Strahan, Just City and Mirrors: 26.

Wright, J. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, 21 March 1945.

Meanjin Papers 3(1) (Autumn 1944): 41; The Splendid Hour (Canberra: Australian War Memorial, 1951), a book of poems dedicated to ‘all Australian men and women who served in World War II’.

Wright, J. to McKinney, J., 5 November 1945, The Equal Heart and Mind: Letters of Judith Wright and Jack McKinney, eds Clarke, Patricia and McKinney, Meredith (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2004): 102.

Kissick, D. L., All Saints’ Church. Brisbane. 1862–1937 (Brisbane: D. L. Kissick, 1937).

Christesen, C. to Kissick, D. L., 4, 24 July 1950, Meanjin Archive, Kissick file.

Minutes of QAAA Annual General Meetings, 1945, 1946, Meanjin Archive, Kissick file.

Judith Wright to Jack Blight, 4 August 1957, Blight Papers, Fryer Library.

Val Vallis in ‘Writing in Brisbane During the Second World War: A Panel Discussion chaired by Patrick Buckridge’, Queensland Review 7(2) (October 2000): 16.

Vallis, Val, ‘The Gannet and the Soldier’, Meanjin Papers 4(3) (Spring 1945): 174–75.

Wright, Judith, ed., Witnesses of Spring: Unpublished Poems of John Shaw Neilson, selected Val Vallis and Judith Wright (Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1970).

Blight, Jack, ‘She was a Girl Waving’, Meanjin Papers 1(9) (June 1942): 16.

Hamlyn-Harris, M. to Christesen, C., 2, 7 July, 8, 27 August 1944, Meanjin Archive, Hamlyn-Harris file.

Information from Sarah Hamlyn-Harris, Stanthorpe, Qld, granddaughter, 23 April 2003.

Hamlyn-Harris, Maymie, White Magic: Nature Fantasies and other Poems (Melbourne: Lothian, 1936); Heritage of Wonder: Ode to the Carnarvon Ranges, and Other Poems (Brisbane: Railings & Railings, 1938?); The City Beautiful: A Souvenir Poem for 1940 (Brisbane: Railings & Railings, 1940); Springtide: The Stardust Series [prose poems] (Brisbane: Railings & Railings, 1941); Mid Highways and Byways of Queensland (Southport: Bulletin Printery, 1943) [also published as Farmer Hay and Others]; Poems and Pictures of Queensland (Brisbane: Helping Hand Unit, n.d.); The Cities of the Lake [prose poems, published posthumously in 1981 and 1997 by son, Geoffrey Hamlyn-Harris].

‘There is No Death in Life’, Meanjin Papers 1(4) (June 1941): 11; ‘A Vision of Australia’ 1(6) (Summer 1941): 18.

Hamlyn-Harris, Maymie, biographical note, Meanjin Archive, Hamlyn-Harris file.

Wright, Judith, Half a Lifetime, p. 221.

Hamlyn-Harris, M. to Christesen, C., 23 August 1945, acknowledging return of £50 with £10 to go to Jack McKinney, Meanjin Archive, Hamlyn-Harris file.

McKinney, J. P., The Challenge of Reason (Brisbane: Mountain Press, 1950).

Chatto & Windus, London, 1971.

Wright, Judith, ‘Brisbane in Wartime’: 66.

Editorial, Barjai 10: 1.

Wright, J. to McKinney, J., 5 June 1945, The Equal Heart and Mind, p. 57.

McKinney, J. to Wright, J., 6 June 1945, The Equal Heart and Mind, p. 58.

McKinney, J. to Wright, J., 7 June 1945, The Equal Heart and Mind, p. 60.

McKinney, J. to Wright, J., June 1945, The Equal Heart and Mind, p. 63.

Blackmail, Barbara, Glass After Glass: Autobiographical Reflections (Ringwood: Viking, 1997): 110.

Wright, Judith, ‘Brisbane in Wartime’: 66.

Wright, Judith, Half a Lifetime: 171.

Collinson, Laurence, Biographical note accompanying ‘In Love with Michelangelo’, Westerly, 1 (April 1972): 85.

Shapiro, K. to Christesen, C., 6 October 1943, Meanjin Archive; ‘Aboriginal Hunt Design’, Margaret Preston woodcut; ‘Lyric’ by R. G. Howarth.

Dobson, Rosemary, ‘A World of Difference’: 8.

A Comment. 12 (July 1942).

Shapiro, K. to Christesen, C., 21 September 1942, Meanjin Archive, Shapiro file.

Van O'Connor, William, ‘“Epigonism in Contemporary Poetry” or Pseudo-avante gardism in American poetry’, A Comment, 21.

Shapiro, K. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, 21 September 1942.

Shapiro, K. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, 1 March 1943.

Labrie, Ross, ‘Karl Shapiro’, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 48 (Detroit: Gale Research, 1986): 400.

Harris, Max, ‘Introduction’, in American Civilization by Harry Roskolenko (Melbourne: National Press, 1970).

Contemporary Authors New Revision, Vol. 66 (Detroit: Gale Research, n.d.): 403–7.

Roskolenko, H. to Christesen, C., 26 November 1943, Meanjin Archive, Roskolenko file.

Roskolenko, H. to Christesen, C., 9 February 1944.

Harris, Max, ‘Introduction’, American Civilization.

Roskolenko, H., ‘When the Bottle's Bloody Empty, Pet’, NLA MS5538.

Auchterlonie, D., Meanjin Papers 4(2) (Winter 1945): 146–7.

Roskolenko, H. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, 13 October, 2 November 1945.

Meanjin Papers 3(3) (Summer 1944): 189.

Shapiro, K. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, 13 January 1945.

Shapiro, K. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, 11 August 1945.

Roskolenko, H. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, undated, 1944.

Peel, Robert, ‘Penguin Pot-Pourri’, Meanjin Papers 3(2) (Winter 1944): 113.

The last issue of A Comment (26, Winter 1947), was almost completely a Roskolenko issue.

Roskolenko, H. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, 29 December 1951; C. Christesen to H. Roskolenko, 9 January 1952.

Roskolenko, H., NLA MS 5538.

Roskolenko, H., NLA MS 5538.

Quadrant, 80 (November-December 1972).

Van O'Connor, William, ‘André Gide and the Aesthetic Emphasis’, Meanjin Papers 4(3) (Spring 1945): 181–85; ‘Thomas Mann: The Politics of the Artist’ Meanjin Papers 5(3) (Spring 1946): 198–202.

Bevan, Ian, ‘Some Soldier Poets’, Meanjin Papers 3(3) (Summer 1944): 193–94.

Wright, Judith, Half a Lifetime: 217.

Shapiro, K. to Christesen, C., Meanjin Archive, 6 August 1943.

Strahan, Just City and Mirrors: 41.

Wright, Judith, ‘Brisbane in Wartime’: 67.

Wright, Judith, ‘Brisbane in Wartime’: 66.

Palmer, Nettie, ‘Australia — an International Unit’, Meanjin Papers 3(1) (Autumn 1944): 6–11.

McIntyre, Darryl J., ‘“Paragons of Glamour”: A Study of the United States Military Forces in Australia 1942–1945’, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, 1987; Cultural Link 2(9): 520–27.

Moore, John Hammon, Over-Sexed, Over-Paid & Over Here: Americans in Australia 1941–1945 (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1981); Ray Aitchison, Thanks to the Yanks: The Americans and Australians (Melbourne: Sun Books, 1972; Peter Thompson and Robert Macklin, The Battle of Brisbane (Sydney: ABC Books, 1977); E. Daniel Potts and Annette Potts, Yanks Down Under 1941–45: The American Impact on Australia (Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 1985): 173.

Judith Wright's comment on insularity echoes the theme in a postwar poem by Karl Shapiro, ‘News to Australia: For Eleanor and Eric Dark’, published in Meanjin Papers 5(3) (Spring 1946): 215–18.

Wright, Judith, ‘Australian Poetry after Pearl Harbour’, in Because I Was Invited (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1975): 129–30.

Wright, Judith, ‘Australian Poetry after Pearl Harbour’: 157.






How to Cite

Clarke, P. (2004). Literary Sidelights on Wartime Brisbane. Queensland Review, 11(2), 41-57.