The 'Psychic Space' of Queensland in the Work of Janette Turner Hospital


  • Sue Lovell Griffith University



Janette Turner Hospital, Queensland 'Psychic Space'


In January 1967 Janette Turner Hospital left Queensland for Boston. She was unpublished. 25 years of age, and very much the product of a loving but fundamentalist childhood that she understood as the ‘source of all comfort and security, but also the source of all harm’. She has called America. India. Canada and France ‘home’ and has also frequently taught in other European countries. Although she has two adult children who have made their lives in the United States and Canada, her parents and three younger brothers remain in Brisbane, so she returns regularly to sustain family ties.

Author Biography

  • Sue Lovell, Griffith University

    Sue Lovell teaches part-time in the School of Arts, Media and Culture at Griffith University, where she received her doctorate on Janette Turner Hospital's work. Her broad areas ofinterest include gender studies, Australian literature and art~ and posthumanism. She is currently researching a cultural biography on the Queensland artists Vida Lahey and Daphne Mayo.


Janette Turner Hospital, ‘Janette Turner Hospital’, interview by Ron Store, Brisbane, 5 October 1988, LINQ 17(1) (1990): 28.

Thorp, Diana, ‘Cult Fiction: Waco Goes Bush in Queensland’, The Australian, 10 October 1996: 5.

However, Janette Turner Hospital's most recent novel, Due Preparations for the Plague (2003), was published by Norton HarperCollins.

Janette Turner Hospital, ‘Novelist as Urgent Quester’, interview by Christine Hamelin (n.p., n.d.), Australian and New Zealand Studies in Canada 9 (1993): 106; Janette Turner Hospital, ‘The Loneliness of the Long Distance Writer’, interview by David Hay (n.p., n.d.), The Bulletin, 25 July 1989: 132; Janette Turner Hospital, ‘Janette Turner Hospital’, interview by Candida Baker, Sydney, August 1985, in Yacker 2, ed. Candida Baker (Sydney: Pan, 1987): 258, 273.

Charlton, Peter, ‘Out to Lunch: JTH’, The Courier-Mail (Brisbane), 8 August 1990: 31; Sullivan, Jane, ‘Have Grab-Bag, Will Travel’, The Age (Melbourne), 1 September 1990: 10.

Janette Turner Hospital, ‘I feel in transit. I don't quite belong anywhere’, interview by unknown author, The Australian Author, 17(3) (September 1985): 4.

Turner Hospital, ‘I feel in transit’.

Langer, Beryl, ‘Interview with Janette Turner Hospital’, Australian-Canadian Studies: A Journal for the Humanities and the Social Sciences, 9(1&2), (1991): 143.

Salman Rushdie quoted in Émigré Feminisms: Transnational Perspectives, ed. Alena Heitlinger (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999): 6–7.

Langer, ‘Interview with Janette Turner Hospital': 146.

Janette Turner Hospital, ‘Margins Within Margins’, interview by Francine Ringold (St Louis, September 1992). Nimrod: International Journal of Prose and Poetry 36(2) (Spring/Summer 1993): 32.

Store, ‘Janette Turner Hospital’: 19.

Baker, ‘Janette Turner Hospital’: 261.

Janette Turner Hospital, ‘Janette Turner Hospital: Dislocations, Borderline, Charade’, in Writers in Action: The Writer's Choice Evenings, ed.Turcotte, Gerry (Sydney: Currency Press, 1990): 73.

Store, ‘Janette Turner Hospital’: 19.

Ringold, ‘Margins Within Margins’: 32.

Janette Turner Hospital, ‘Why I Write’, Kunapipi 16(1) (1994): 128.

Store, ‘Janette Turner Hospital’: 19.

Davies, Bronwyn, ‘(Be)longing in the Writing of Janette Turner Hospital: Eclipsing the Constitutive Force of Discourse,’ in (In)scribing Body Landscape Relations (Oxford Walnut Creek, CA: Rowman and Littlefield/AltaMira Press, 2000): 235.

Davies, ‘(Be)longing in the Writing of Janette Turner Hospital': 236.

Betterton, Rosemary, An Intimate Distance: Women, Artists and the Body (London and New York: Routledge, 1996): 173.

Samuels, Selina, ‘Dislocation and Memory in the Short Stories of Janette Turner Hospital’, Journal of Modern Literature 20(1), Summer 1996: 92.

Peters, John Durham, ‘Exile, Nomadism and Diaspora: The Stakes of Mobility in the Western Canon’, in Home, Exile, Homeland: Film, Media, and the Politics of Place, ed. Naficy, Hamid (New York and London: Routledge, 1999): 17.

Janette Turner Hospital, Collected Stories (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1995): 203.

Janette Turner Hospital, Borderline (Melbourne: Hodder & Stoughton, 1985; reprinted St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1987): 19.

Store, ‘Janette Turner Hospital’: 273.

Janette Turner Hospital, Charades (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1988): 203.

Janette Turner Hospital, Collected Stories: 190.

Janette Turner Hospital, Charades: 197.

Turcotte, Writers in Action: The Writer's Choice Evenings: 82.

Janette Turner Hospital, ‘The Brisbane Effect’. Toronto Globe and Mail, Destinations section, 12 November 1988: 44–51.

Personal correspondence to Ron Store. In a letter dated 2 January 1987, Turner Hospital requests his assistance. He replies (16 February 1987), enclosing two titles for her research. Copies of letters held by Ron Store and Sue Lovell.

Baker, ‘Janette Turner Hospital’: 263; Turner Hospital, ‘I feel in transit’: 6.

Baker, ‘Janette Turner Hospital’: 263.

Janette Turner Hospital, Collected Stories: 410.

Turner Hospital, Collected Stories: 422.

Turner Hospital, Collected Stories: 412. Italics in original.

Turner Hospital, Collected Stories: 214.

Turner Hospital, Collected Stories: 214.

Turner Hospital, Collected Stories: 415.

Turner Hospital, Collected Stories: 412.

Turner Hospital, Collected Stories: 420.

Janette Turner Hospital, ‘The Ocean of Brisbane’, Collected Stories: 329.

Janette Turner Hospital, The Last Magician (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1992): 292, 293.

Turner Hospital, The Last Magician: 188.

Turner Hospital, The Last Magician: 192.

Turner Hospital, The Last Magician: 212.

Turner Hospital, The Last Magician: 310.

Janette Turner Hospital, Oyster (London: Virago Press, 1996; reprinted Sydney: Knopf Books, 1996): 364, 363, 365.






How to Cite

Lovell, S. (2004). The ’Psychic Space’ of Queensland in the Work of Janette Turner Hospital. Queensland Review, 11(2), 11-23.