The Holiday-Maker's Happy Hunting Ground

Travel Writing in Queensland, 1860–1950


  • Simon Ryan Australian Catholic University



Queensland travel writing, 1860–1950


A few years ago, on a research trip to East Africa, I met a young man from my home town of Brisbane. Slightly sheepish at the implausible coincidence of our meeting, I struggled to say something that would be of relevance to both of us. ‘Nice place,’ I hesitantly opined of Brisbane. ‘Nah, shithole,’ he tersely said and, sensing that the conversation was at an end, I turned back to my Kenyan delicacy, spaghetti. The interchange reminded me of two things: first, it is always more difficult to leave home behind you than you think; and second, your home is not the same home as anybody else's.

Author Biography

  • Simon Ryan, Australian Catholic University

    Simon Ryan is an Associate Professor in the School of Arts and Sciences at the Australian Catholic University. He is the author of The Cartographic Eye: How Explorers Saw Australia (Cambridge University Press, 1996).


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How to Cite

Ryan, S. (2006). The Holiday-Maker’s Happy Hunting Ground: Travel Writing in Queensland, 1860–1950. Queensland Review, 13(1), 63-77.