Queensland, 1859

Reflections on the Act of Becoming


  • Raymond Evans Griffith University




Queensland, 1859, moment of disjuncture, 'blue water' Imperialism, diversity, consonance and divergence, being and becoming


It has been observed elsewhere that Queensland, as a self-governing colony, did not ‘arise like the sun at an appointed time’ within an Empire on which the sun never set. Rather, to paraphrase British historian E.P. Thompson in another context, ‘It was present at its own making.’ December 1859 was only a moment of disjuncture according to certain political, administrative and fiscal effects. As a society, as a culture, Queensland was already in full and exuberant existence, having carved out a sense of its own intrusive perpetuity over a preceding period of some 35 years from both the lands of others and the labours of mostly convict, emancipated and indentured men and women. And these in turn marked the Antipodean sequel to ‘blue water’ Imperialism – trans-oceanic nomads drawn by the hazy promise of land on foreign shores or projected unwillingly there by the logic of their metropolitan transgressions. People of many nations, of ‘interacting, sometimes colluding, sometimes colliding cultures’, from its generative convicts, soldiers, penal commandants and manifold Aboriginal peoples to its waged workers, squatters, selectors, merchants and administrators, were in effect this colonial society in embryo, both formed and in process of formation. Only a name for the place was now lacking. Although small, isolated and stunted, this was nevertheless a multi-faceted, diverse and unequally graded social order, cloaked only one-dimensionally in the mantle of Britishness and Christianity. What follows are some observations about this conceptually unstable sense of consonance and divergence and the coincident business of simultaneously being and becoming.

Author Biography

  • Raymond Evans, Griffith University

    Raymond Evans has been engaged in writing Queensland history for more than 40 years. He is an Adjunct Professor with the Centre for Public Culture and Ideas at Griffith University. His latest publication is A History of Queensland (2007), published by Cambridge University Press.


Polan, D., Power and Paranoia (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986), 10.

Thorpe, B. Evans, R., ‘Frontier Transgressions: Writing a History of Race, Identity and Convictism in Early Colonial Queensland’, Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 13.3 (1999): 330–31; B. Thorpe, Colonial Queensland: Perspectives on a Frontier Society (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1996), 67; and E.P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968), 9.

Evans, R. Thorpe, W., ‘In Search of “Jack Bushman”’, in Frost, L. and Maxwell-Stewart, H. (eds), Chain Letters: Narrating Convict Lives (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2001), 33.

‘A Survivor’, ‘Early History of Queensland: The Sad, Bad, Mad, but Sometimes Glad Old Days’, Chapter XLVII, Brisbane Truth, 12 December 1915.

Moreton Bay Courier, 29 January 1859.

Poole, S. Lane, ed., Thirty Years of Colonial Government: A Selection from Despatches and Letters of the Right Honorable Sir George Bowen (London: Longmans Green, 1889), 100–01.

Moreton Bay Courier, 7 July 1858.

‘Old Chum’ (J.M. Forde), ‘Chronicles of Queensland: In the Early Days’, Chapter LXII, Brisbane Truth, 28 April 1912.

Moreton Bay Courier, 21 April 1855.

Pettigrew, W., Diary, 27 September 1849.

Sinnett, F., The ‘Rush’ to Port Curtis (Geelong: Ray and Richter, 1859), 17; ‘Old Chum’, ‘Chronicles’, Brisbane Truth, 7, 14 and 21 January 1912 (quoting Edwin Carton Booth).

Moreton Bay Courier, 8 December 1859.

‘Stamina’ to Moreton Bay Courier, 28 September 1859.

‘Working Man’ to Moreton Bay Courier, 28 September 1859.

Poole, Thirty Years, 94–98.

Morrison, A., ‘Liberalism in Queensland’, PhD thesis, Department of History, University of Queensland (n.d.), 48; R. Evans, A History of Queensland (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 82.

Evans, R., ‘Charitable Institutions of the Queensland Government to 1919’, MA thesis, Department of History, University of Queensland (1969), 24–25; ‘Old Chum’, ‘Chronicles’, Brisbane Truth, 20 and 27 May 1911 and ‘A Survivor’, ‘Early History’, Brisbane Truth, 19 December 1915.

‘Gaffer Grey’ to Moreton Bay Courier, 26 January 1860.

Douglas, J., Reminiscence and Speech on Federation, Thursday Island 1900, Queensland pamphlet collection, Royal Commonwealth Society, London.

Moreton Bay Courier, 13 August 1859; M. Atherton, South Brisbane to M. Rye, London, 2 September 1862, United British Women's Emigration Association records, Box 1, Fawcett Library, London.

Moreton Bay Courier, 12 September 1857.

Bowen, G. to Lytton, E. Bulwer, 6 March 1860; to H. Merivale, 10 April 1860 and to Duke of Newcastle, 4 December 1860 in Poole, Thirty Years, 106–12, 120–22, 193. See also J.C. Gill, ‘Governor Bowen and the Aborigines’, Queensland Heritage, 2.7 (1972): 2.

Moreton Bay Courier, 23 November 1859.

Moreton Bay Courier, 1 June and 6 August 1859; and North Australian, 25 January and 13 August 1859. See also L. Connors, ‘The “Birth of the Prison" and the Death of Convictism’, PhD thesis, Department of History, University of Queensland (1990), 118–19.

Moreton Bay Courier, 6 August 1859.

Moreton Bay Courier, 10 and 17 September 1859. See also Evans, R., ‘“;Wanton Outrage”: Police and Aborigines at Breakfast Creek 1860’, in Fisher, R., ed., Brisbane: The Aboriginal Presence 1824–1860, Brisbane History Group Papers 11 (1992), 84.

Finzsch, N., ‘“;The Aborigines Were Never Annihilated … and Still They are Becoming Extinct”: Settler Imperialism and Genocide in Nineteenth Century America and Australia’, in A. Dirk Moses, Empire, Colony, Genocide: Conquest, Occupation and Subaltern Resistance in World History (New York: Berghahn Books, 2008), 253–54; B. Thorpe to R. Evans, correspondence, 16 June 1995. See also Thorpe, Colonial Queensland, 55.

North Australian, 25 March 1856, 17 November and 15 December 1857 and 16 April 1858.

Popular Magazine of Anthropology 1 (1866): 10–11, quoted in Bolt, C., Victorian Attitudes to Race (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971), 20; Moreton Bay Courier, 19 March 1859.

Sinnett, 'Rush’ to Port Curtis, 70.

Sinnett, 'Rush’ to Port Curtis, 87–88.

Maryborough Chronicle, 9 May 1876 (reprinted from The Stockwhip, 22 April 1876). R.O. Jensen to R. Evans, correspondence, 23–24 August 2007.

Stobart, H., journal commenced on board the Resolute on her voyage to Australia, November 1852, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, M467, 92; Moreton Bay Courier, 31 August 1852.

Moreton Bay Courier, 18 September 1852.

Wolfe, P., ‘Structure and Event: Settler Colonialism, Time and the Question of Genocide’ in Moses, Empire, 103.

Stamer, W., Recollections, A Life of Adventure (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1866), 98–99.

Sinnett, 'Rush’ to Port Curtis, 46–47, 50–51, 69–72.

Moreton Bay Courier, 19 July 1856.

‘Destruction of Records’ memos, March–April 1892, Col A 703, in letter 8443 of 1892, Queensland State Archives.

Bryne, J.C., Twelve Years’ Wandering in the British Colonies from 1835 to 1847 (London: R. Bentley, 1848), 240–41.

Evans, R., ‘Blood Dries Quickly: Conflict Study in Australian History’, in Moses, J., ed., Historical Disciplines in Australasia: Themes, Problems and Debates, special issue of Australian Journal of Politics and History, 41 (1995): 83–86; and ‘Done and Dusted’, Hidden Queensland, Griffith Review, 21 (2008): 177– 92; Kundera, M., The Book of Laughter and Forgetting (London: Penguin, 1983).

Cooper, F. de Brébant, Wild Adventures in Australia and New South Wales (London: J. Blackwood, 1857), 25.

‘Old Chum’, ‘Chronicles’, Brisbane Truth, 5 March 1911.

‘Jack Bushman’, ‘The Lash’, Moreton Bay Courier, 12 February 1859.

‘Jack Bushman’, ‘Passages from the Life of a “Lifer”’, Chapter 5, Moreton Bay Courier, 30 April 1859; Evans and Thorpe, ‘In Search’, 32–48.

Petrie, C., Tom Petrie's Reminiscences of Early Queensland (Melbourne: Lloyd O'Neil, 1975), 230.

Hardy, F., quoted in McNay, M., ‘A Campaigning Wizard of Oz’, Guardian Weekly, 6 February 1994.






How to Cite

Evans, R. (2009). Queensland, 1859: Reflections on the Act of Becoming. Queensland Review, 16(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1321816600004931