Ross Donald Laurie (1960-2010)

An Appreciation


  • Raymond Evans Griffith University



Ross Donald Laurie, Obituary


I do not approach writing this essay with any relish. In fact, I have consistently and resolutely been putting it off, secretly relieved when the bulk of Ross's own writings took a while to reach me and even when the retina in my left eye came away, obviating any chance of my getting down to work for several more months. The year 2010 has been a painful one. My close colleague, Bill Thorpe, died just before it began and during the year I lost two other long-tenn female friends. This all comes, they say, with the territory of ageing. Either you go yourself, knocked down somewhere in the valley of your sixties or seventies, or you helplessly watch your peers - your acquaintances and loved ones - being carried off by some rampant malignancy: one figure after another photo-shopped forever out of
the group portrait of your life.

Author Biography

  • Raymond Evans, Griffith University

    Raymond Evans has been engaged in writing Queensland history for more than 40 years. He is an Adjunct Professor with the Grifith Centre for Cultural Research at Griffith University. In 2007, he published A History of Queensland (2007) with Cambridge University Press.


J. Scott and Re Laurie, Showtime: A History of the Brisbane Exhibition (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2008).

1. Scott, R. Laurie, B. Stevens and Patrick Weller, The Engine Room of Government: The Queensland Premiers Department 1859-2001 (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2001).

R. Laurie, '''Beyond the 38th Parallel": The Cultural and Political Effects of Australia's Korean War Commitment', MA Qualifying thesis, History, University of Queensland, 1986.

Laurie, "'Beyond the 38th Parallel"', 104-5.

R. Laurie, '''Not a Matter of Taste But a Healthy Racial Instinct'''. Race Relations in Australia in the 1920s: Racial Ideology and the Popular Press', Master of Arts dissertation, Humanities, Griffith University, 1989, 125.

R. Laurie, 'From Bodybuilders to Breadwinners: Depictions of Masculinity and Gender Roles in Popular Magazines During the 1950s', PhD thesis, Humanities, Griffith University, 1995.

Laurie, 'From Bodybuilders to Breadwinners, i.

Laurie, 'From Bodybuilders to Breadwinners, 332, 337-38.

R. Laurie, 'Fantasy Worlds: The Depiction of Women and the Mating Game in Men's Magazines in the 1950s', Journal of Australian Studies, 56 (1998): 116-24; R. Laurie, 'Advice to Women in the Australian Women s Weekly During the 1950s', Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, 20(5) (2008): 188-94; R. Laurie, 'Masculinities and War Comics', Journal of Australian Studies, 60 (1999): 114-23,214-15: R. Laurie, 'Reporting on Race: White Australia, Immigration and the Popular Press in the 1920s', Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, 18(10) (2004): 420-31.

R. Laurie, 'Masculinity', in K. Boyd, ed., Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing (London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999).

R. Laurie, 'Cheap Meat for the People: The Queensland Government Butcher Shops', in B. Bowden and 1. Kellett, eds, Transforming Labour: Work, Workers, Struggle and Change, Proceedings of the Eighth Labour History Conference, Brisbane (Brisbane: Labour History Association, 2003), 196-200; R. Laurie, 'State Enterprises in Queensland 1915-1929: A Case Study of Pragmatic Idealism', in B. Costar and K. Saunders, eds, 'Tropical Transformations: Denis Murphy in Queensland History', special issue of the Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, 19(9) (2006): 82-89.

R. Laurie, 'We Will Remember Them: The Anzac Story in Queensland Schools', in K. Moore, ed., Social Change, Education and History, Australia and New Zealand History of Education Society Conference Proceedings (Brisbane: Centre of Social Change Research, Queensland University of Technology, 2004), 62-66.

R. Laurie, The Aboriginal People of the Northern Darling Downs: Life Under Occupation, 1860s-1930s (Toowoomba: Toowoomba Education Centre, 1995).

R. Laurie, 'Political Detonations, 1975. Executive Building, George Street', in R. Evans and C. Ferrier, eds, Radical Brisbane: An Unruly History (Melbourne: Vulgar Press, 2004), 304-8.

R. Laurie, Language and Migration Policy in Australia (Kyoto: Communication Design Institute, 2002).

J. Scott and R. Laurie, 'Colonialism on Display: Indigenous People and Artefacts in an Australian Agricultural Show', Aboriginal History, 31 (2007): 45-62.

J. Scott and R. Laurie, 'Promise and Performance: The Queensland Elections Act of 1915 and Women's Right to Stand for Parliament', 'The Centenary of Women's Suffrage in Queensland', special issue of Queensland Review, 12(2) (2005): 51-{j2.

J. Scott and R. Laurie, 'Celebrating Her First Half Century: Queensland's Jubilee Carnival', 'Celebrations and Commemorations in Queensland', special issue of Queensland Review, edited by Joanne Scott, 16(2) (2009): 43-56.

J. Scott and R. Laurie, 'When the Country Comes to Town: Encounters in a Metropolitan Agricultural Show', History Australia, 2010 (forthcoming).

J. Scott and R. Laurie, 'Beyond the Cliches? Navigating Between Official, Popular and Individual Stories of the Brisbane Exhibition', Oral History Association of Australia Journal, 2010 (forthcoming).

J. Scott and R. Laurie, "'Within Her Own Boundaries": Queensland's First "At Home" Intercolonial Exhibition', in K. Darien-Smith, R. Gillespie, C. Jordan and E. Willis, eds, Seize the Day: Exhibitions, Australia and the World (Melbourne: Monash University ePress, 2008), 06.1--06.15.

J. Rickertt to R. Evans, 'Sad Time', 10 February 2010, Inbox.Sad%20 Ti. ..






How to Cite

Evans, R. (2010). Ross Donald Laurie (1960-2010): An Appreciation. Queensland Review, 17(2), 1-8.