Queensland Labor and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender, Intersex and Queer Policy


  • Shirleene Robinson Macquarie University




LGBTIQ community, social attitudes, LGBTIQ policy reform, Australian Labor Party


Since the Australian Labor Party came to power in Queensland in 1989, social attitudes towards the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) community have undergone significant change. In 1989, the decriminalisation of male-to-male homosexuality was the subject of intense debate, even within the ALP, which ultimately put forward the legislation. Today, policies have evolved considerably, with the Queensland ALP endorsing gay marriage and Anna Bligh, the current Queensland Labor Premier, releasing a YouTube video for the 'It Gets Better’ campaign to give hope to LGBT youth experiencing harassment and perhaps contemplating suicide. During Labor’s time in power, apart from the decriminalisation of male-to-male sexual activity, same-sex relationship laws have been reformed, altruistic surrogacy has been introduced and the presumption of lesbian parenthood has been extended. Some areas of LGBTIQ policy are still being contested, however, with debates surrounding civil unions, an equal age of consent and the existence of the ‘gay panic’ defence continuing. This article considers the progression and limits of these policies and areas of LGBTIQ reform that are still being disputed.

Author Biography

  • Shirleene Robinson, Macquarie University

    Shirleene Robinson is the Vice Chancellor's Innovation Fellow in the Department of Modern History at Macquarie University. She is the author of Something like Slavery: Queensland's Aboriginal Child Workers, 1842-1945 and the editor of Homophobia: An Australian History and other works.


Although not all intersex people identify with the LGBTQ community, this article addresses government policies relating to gender and sexual difference in a broad sense; the intersex community is therefore included in its scope.

See http://www.itgetsbetter.org/pages/about-it-gets-better-project: ‘The It Gets Better Project was created to show young LGBT people the levels of happiness, potential, and positivity their lives will reach — if they can just get through their teen years. The It Gets Better Project wants to remind teenagers in the LGBT community that they are not alone — and it WILL get better.’

Raymond Evans, A History of Queensland (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 221.

Shirleene Robinson, ‘Responding to Homophobia: HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Community Formation and Identity in Queensland, 1983–1990’, Australian Historical Studies 41(2) (2010): 181–97.

Shirleene Robinson, ‘Homophobia as Party Politics: The Construction of the “homosexual deviant” in Joh Bjelke-Petersen’s Queensland’, Queensland Review 17(1) (2010): 29–45.

Graham Willett, Living Out Loud: A History of Gay and Lesbian Activism in Australia (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 2000), 221.

Evans, A History of Queensland, 250.

Sydney Morning Herald, 17 February 1990: 77.

Clive Moore, Sunshine and Rainbows (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2002), 185.

Robinson, ‘Responding to Homophobia’: 181–97.

Moore, Sunshine and Rainbows, 184.

Clare Parker and Paul Sendziuk, ‘It’s Time: The Duncan Case and the Decriminalisation of Homosexual Acts in South Australia, 1972’, in Yorick Smaal and Graham Willett, eds, Out Here! Gay and Lesbian Perspectives VI (Melbourne: Monash University Press, 2011), 17–35.

Criminal Justice Commission Queensland, Reforms in Laws Relating to Homosexuality: An Information Paper (Brisbane: Research and Co-ordination Division, 1990).

Melissa Bull, Susan Pinto and Paul Wilson, ‘Homosexual Law Reform in Australia’, Australian Institute of Criminology: Trends and Issues in Criminal Justice 3 (1991): 2.

Sydney Morning Herald, 30 November 1990: 2.

Sydney Morning Herald, 30 November 1990: 2.

Rodney Goodbun, interview with Shirleene Robinson, 20 May 2010, Brisbane.

See Peter Beattie, Making a Difference: Reflections on Life, Leadership and Politics (Sydney: Harper Collins, 2005).

Sydney Morning Herald, 27 November 1999: 15.

Moore, Sunshine and Rainbows, 193.

Sydney Morning Herald, 27 November 1999: 15.

Courier-Mail, 1 December 2011, <http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/beattie-joins-same-sex-union-fight/story-e6freon6-1226210755831>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Courier Mail, 10 February 2010, <http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/new-controversial-surrogacy-laws-debated-in-parliament/story-e6freoof-1225828756492>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Goodbun interview with Robinson.

Sydney Morning Herald, 29 October 2009, <http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/qld-to-allow-surrogacy-from-november-20091029-hmdb.html>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Goodbun interview with Robinson.

Sydney Morning Herald, 15 November 2011, <http://www.smh.com.au/national/voter-opinion-adds-weight-to-shift-in-marriage-policy-20111114-1nfkj.html>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Brisbane Times, 25 October 2011, <http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/the-speech-why-im-introducing-this-bill-20111025-1mhgv.html>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Sydney Morning Herald, 26 October 2011, <http://m.smh.com.au/opinion/blogs/for-arguments-sake/gay-pawn-whats-driving-the-same-sex-civil-union-debate-20111026-1mj6t.html>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

John Frame, ‘The Age of Consent’, <http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/29134.html>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Bonnie Gardener, ‘Advocates Push for End of Sodomy Law’, Q-News, 3 October 2011, <http://qnews.com.au/article/advocates-push-end-sodomy-law>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Brisbane Times, 26 October 2011, <http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/gay-adoption-a-step-too-far-for-bligh-20111025-1mi9w.html>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Brisbane Times, 10 June 2011 <http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/moves-to-end-homosexual-murder-defence-20110609-1fupv.html>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Q-News, 24 October 2011, <http://qnews.com.au/article/death-shows-qld-governmen-inaction>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Q-News, 7 November 2011, <http://www.qnews.com.au/article/govt-action-gay-panic-defence>. Accessed 5 December 2011.

Gay News Network, 21 November 2011, <http://gaynewsnetwork.com.au/news/news-2/3018-psychologist-wants-queensland-gov-t-to-urgently-review-sodomy-law.html>. Accessed 5 December 2011.



How to Cite

Robinson, S. (2011). Queensland Labor and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender, Intersex and Queer Policy. Queensland Review, 18(2), 207-215. https://doi.org/10.1375/qr.18.2.207