Revisiting the Cultural Policy Moment

Queensland Cultural Policy from Goss to Bligh


  • Stuart Glover University of Queensland



The 'cultural policy moment', Goss Labor government, 1989


An account of cultural policy-making in Queensland since the election of the Goss Labor government in 1989 requires revisiting the rise and fall of what Stevenson (2000) has called the ‘cultural policy moment’ in Australia.

Author Biography

  • Stuart Glover, University of Queensland

    Stuart Glover lectures in writing at the University of Queensland. He worked as the Manager of Writing for Arts Queensland from 1992 to 1996 and as a cultural policy consultant from time to time thereafter.


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How to Cite

Glover, S. (2011). Revisiting the Cultural Policy Moment: Queensland Cultural Policy from Goss to Bligh. Queensland Review, 18(2), 190-206.