'Never-ending Story'

Public Accountability and Public Administration Reform in Queensland Since 1989


  • Rae Wear University of Queensland




Johannes Bjelke-Petersen, Premier of Queensland, public accountability, administrative reform, backsliding


Soon after Johannes Bjelke-Petersen became Premier of Queensland in 1968, companies in which he held shares were given six-year leases to explore for oil on the Great Barrier Reef. The following year, ministers in his government accepted parcels of Comalco shares. So did senior bureaucrats and the Premier’s wife. Criticism at the time was muted because Labor politicians and some journalists had also taken shares (Whitton 1989, p. 19). Bjelke-Petersen was adamant that he had done nothing wrong — a feeling that presumably was shared by other beneficiaries of Comalco’s largesse (Wear 2002, p. 93). Because it is inconceivable that a saga of such blatant conflict of interest would be played out in today’s Queensland, there is a temptation to tell a simple ‘before and after Fitzgerald’ story of public accountability and administrative reform. Considered analysis suggests, however, that the reality is much more complex. There was progress, but there was also backsliding.

Author Biography

  • Rae Wear, University of Queensland

    Rae Wear lectures in Queensland and Australian politics and political leadership in the School of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Queensland. She researches and publishes in these fields, with a special interest in rural politics and populism.


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How to Cite

Wear, R. (2011). ’Never-ending Story’: Public Accountability and Public Administration Reform in Queensland Since 1989. Queensland Review, 18(2), 175-189. https://doi.org/10.1375/qr.18.2.175