How Did They Do It?

Explaining Queensland Labor's Second Electoral Hegemony


  • Paul D. Williams Griffith University



Liberal democratic traditions, bipolar party system, electoral hegemonies, Australian politics


Australia’s entrenched liberal democratic traditions of a free media, fair and frequent elections and robust public debate might encourage outside observers to assume Australia is subject to frequent changes in government. The reality is very different: Australian politics have instead been ‘largely unchanged’ since the beginning of our bipolar party system in 1910 (Aitkin 1977, p. 1), with Australians re-electing incumbents on numerous occasions for decades on end. The obvious federal example is the 23-year dominance of the Liberal-Country Party Coalition, first elected in 1949 and re-endorsed at the following eight House of Representatives elections. Even more protracted electoral hegemonies have been found at state level, including Labor’s control of Tasmania (1934–82, except for 1969–72) and New South Wales (1941–65), and the Liberals’ hold on Victoria (1952–82) and South Australia (1938–65, most unusually under one Premier, Thomas Playford). It is therefore not a question of whether parties can enjoy excessively long hegemonies in Australia; it is instead one of how they achieve it.

Author Biography

  • Paul D. Williams, Griffith University

    Paul D. Williams is a Senior Lecturer in politics and journalism in Griffith University's School of Humanities. He is a political commentator and a weekly columnist with the Courier Mail newspaper.


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How to Cite

Williams, P. D. (2011). How Did They Do It? Explaining Queensland Labor’s Second Electoral Hegemony. Queensland Review, 18(2), 112-133.