'Life in one colour'

Indian Australian perceptions of social inclusion in regional Queensland


  • Robert Mason University of Southern Queensland
  • Dianne Jones University of Southern Queensland




Violence against Indian students, young white Australian males, violent racism in metropolitan centres, social inclusion, regional communities


In April 2010, an Indian university student was robbed while leaving the campus of his university in regional Queensland. Soon afterwards, the local newspaper described how a ‘gunman’ had accosted the student and ‘forced [him] to lay [sic] face-down on the ground’. The event was not isolated in the national context; there had been a sharp rise in media reports of violence against Indian students in Australia during the preceding six months. The attack in the regional city of Toowoomba appeared to echo these other incidents, given that the victim was an Indian student and the alleged perpetrators were young white Australian males. The case called our attention to how reports of violent racism in metropolitan centres might affect perceptions of social inclusion in regional communities.

Author Biographies

  • Robert Mason, University of Southern Queensland

    Robert Mason is a Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Southern Queensland. His research focuses on culturally and linguistically diverse communities in regional Australia. He is particularly interested in historical legacy and memory in contemporary communities, and in Australia’s Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking communities.

  • Dianne Jones, University of Southern Queensland

    Dianne Jones lectures in journalism at the University of Southern Queensland. Her research on the role of local news media in democracy and gender representation in the online sports media has been published in Australia and overseas, and cited in international textbooks on sport and the media, two federal government inquiries and government-funded reports on women’s sport and the media in Australia and the United Kingdom.


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Arjun Ramachandran, ‘Indian student bashings on the rise in Sydney: Community leader’, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 May 2009, http://www.smh.com.au/national/indian-student-bashings-on-the-rise-in-sydney-community-leader-20090529-bpxy.html.

Chris Nyland and Helen Forbes-Mewett, ‘The international student safety debate: Moving beyond denial’, Higher Education Research and Development 29(1) (2010), 95.

Dunn, Pelleri and Maeder-Han, ‘Attacks on Indian students’, 77.

Dunn, Pelleri and Maeder-Han, ‘Attacks on Indian students’, 77.

‘Police outraged by Indian KKK cartoon’, ABC News, 8 January 2010, http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-01-08/police-outraged-by-indian-kkk-cartoon; ‘Indian “racist police” cartoon angers Australia’, BBC News, 8 January 2010, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8447465.stm; ‘Ku Klux Klan ad in India angers Australia’, NDTV, 8 January 2010, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMAomMDuzIE; L. Wilson, ‘Police smeared in Indian newspaper as “Ku Klux Klan”’, Australian, 8 January 2010, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/police-smeared-in-indian-newspaper-as-ku-klux-klan/story-e6frg6nf-1225817145020.

Dunn, Pelleri and Maeder-Han, ‘Attacks on Indian students’, 84.

Interview 1, 12 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 6, 28 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 7, 30 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 9, 30 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 14, 14 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 16, 20 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 6, 28 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

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Friesen, ‘The evolution of “Indian” identity and transnationalism in New Zealand’, 53.

Michael Meadows et al., Community media matters report (Brisbane: Griffith University, 2007); for an exception see Susan Forde, Kerrie Foxwell and Michael Meadows, Developing dialogues: Indigenous and ethnic community broadcasting in Australia (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009).

Further discussion of this topic lies beyond the scope of this article. For detail, see Kitty van Vuuren, ‘Contours of community: The independent community press in Southeast Queensland, 2006’, Media International Australia 124 (2007), 96–107.

Sun Wanning et al., ‘The Chinese-language press in Australia: A preliminary scoping study’, Media International Australia 138 (2011), 137–48.

See, for example, ‘Indian girls saved from prostitution by Aussie charity’, The Chronicle, 10 June 2013, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/initiative-changes-lives-india-slum/1900555; Lee Gailer, ‘AA women carry message to India’, The Chronicle, 8 April 2013, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/aa-women-carry-message/1820927.

See, for example, Gen Kennedy, ‘Toowoomba’s multi-cultural models take to the catwalk’, The Chronicle, 10 March 2014, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/multi-cultural-models-take-to-the-catwalk/21929442; Megan Masters, ‘Taste of Indian comes to Toowoomba for Onam festival’, The Chronicle, 16 September 2013, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/foodies-in-taste-of-india-toowoomba/2021326.

Interview 12, 4 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 11, 4 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

‘Ministers and professors make tracks to mosque opening’, The Chronicle, 22 March 2014, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/a-whos-who-of-toowoomba-religious-and-political/2206014; Letitia Commerford, ‘Spice n flavor adds recent awards to tally of gongs’, The Chronicle, 19 November 2013, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/restaurant-adds-to-tally-of-gongs/2087735.

‘Eleven cricketing Singhs make a Singh XI’, The Chronicle, 29 November 2013, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/singhs-are-more-than-just-a-name/2097796.

‘Indians think Australia is dangerous but good place to study’, The Chronicle, 17 April 2013, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/indians-think-australia-dangerous-place-study/1833580.

Interview 8, 30 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 13, 11 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 20, 4 May 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

‘Vibrant Indian traditions to be celebrated at festival’, The Chronicle, 14 September 2013, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/vibrant-indian-traditions-be-celebrated-festival/2019896.

Helen Forbes-Mewett and Chris Nyland, ‘Cultural diversity, relocation, and the security of international students at an internationalised university’, Journal of Studies in International Education 12(2) (2011), 181–203.

Interview 1, 12 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 1, 12 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 17, 3 May 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 16, 20 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 6, 28 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 20, 4 May 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 20, 4 May 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 14, 14 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 4, 25 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 15, 14 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 17, 3 May 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland; Interview 12, 4 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 9, 30 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 5, 26 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 12, 4 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 18, 3 May 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 1, 12 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 9, 30 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 16, 20 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 17, 3 May 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

‘A culturally inclusive city; I certainly don’t think so!’, The Chronicle, 12 March 2013, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/toowoomba-multi-cultural-i-dont-think-so/1788516.

Interview 15, 14 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Stuart Cumming, ‘Safety no issue for Indian community’, The Chronicle, 17 July 2009, http://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/safety-no-issue-indian-community/274099.

Interview 9, 30 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 11, 4 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 16, 20 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 13, 11 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 17, 3 May 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 4, 25 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 5, 26 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 15, 14 April 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 20, 4 May 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 9, 30 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 6, 28 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 19, 3 May 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 8, 30 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.

Interview 6, 28 March 2011, Toowoomba, Queensland.



How to Cite

Mason, R., & Jones, D. (2014). ’Life in one colour’: Indian Australian perceptions of social inclusion in regional Queensland. Queensland Review, 21(2), 203-216. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2014.26