Principled action by young people



  • Karen Struthers Griffith University
  • Grace Williams R4Respect



R4Respect, youth participation models, social change, Tiffany-Eckenrode Program Participation Scale (TEPPS), Good Practice Principles


There is an international movement promoting youth participation models and principles to empower more young people to be active in positive social change. To counter the prevalence of domestic violence, young people are more often targets of change rather than the instigators. Primary prevention of domestic violence is being pursued through gender-based respectful relationships education with young people. Generally, these programs are delivered using conventional adult educator models. In this study, the first year of activity of an emerging youth-led program for delivering respectful relationships education (R4Respect) is evaluated through the views of the young participants, aged from sixteen to twenty-four years, and non-participant adult stakeholders. The development of the model was guided by Good Practice Principles for Youth Development (Seymour 2012). The program is assessed using the Tiffany–Eckenrode Program Participation Scale (TEPPS) (Tiffany et al. 2012). For this article, the major themes of the study were reviewed to identify those most relevant to the Good Practice Principles. The study affirms the importance of these principles to building a participatory model in which young people feel valued and supported. Increased funding, capacity, and greater clarity and fairness in roles and responsibilities among the youth participants are suggested as program improvements.

Author Biographies

  • Karen Struthers, Griffith University

    Karen Struthers is a Research Fellow at Griffith University and a consultant. In a career spanning work in non-government organisations, government and research, Karen has promoted gender equality and end violence against women. In her previous role as a Member of Parliament and state government minister, Karen contributed through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to the landmark National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Children.

  • Grace Williams, R4Respect

    Grace Williamsis the Youth Coordinator of R4Respect, YFS Ltd. Grace has worked professionally in television and print media, communications and ministerial adviser roles in government. She is an advocate for gender equality and works to promote young women’s participation in policy-making and other leadership roles.


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How to Cite

Struthers, K., & Williams, G. (2017). Principled action by young people: R4Respect. Queensland Review, 24(1), 100-115.