Reflecting on the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games

Interview with Mark Peters, former Chief Executive of the Gold Coast Organising Committee


  • Michael Powell Griffith University



Interview, Mark Peters, Chief Executive of the Gold Coast Organising Committee


Professor Emeritus Michael Powell interviewed Mark Peters, former Chief Executive Officer of the Gold Coast Organising Committee (GOLDOC) for the 2018 Commonwealth Games on his reflections about the Games.

Author Biography

  • Michael Powell, Griffith University

    Michael Powell is Professor Emeritus at Griffith University and Academic Director of Griffith University Industry Partnerships. Prior to this appointment, Michael was Academic Director of Griffith University’s GC 2018 Partnership. Formerly Pro Vice Chancellor (Business) and Dean of Griffith Business School, Michael has served as President, Vice President and Treasurer of the Australian Business Deans Council, as a member of international accreditation committees of AACSB International and as Chair of the Globally Responsible Leadership Council. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago and the University of Auckland, where he also served as Deputy Dean of the University of Auckland Business School.







Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Special Section

How to Cite

Powell, M. (2019). Reflecting on the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games: Interview with Mark Peters, former Chief Executive of the Gold Coast Organising Committee. Queensland Review, 26(1), 166-179.