Avoiding the white elephants

A new approach to infrastructure planning at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games?


  • David Farndon Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads
  • Paul Burton Griffith University




Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, city building objectives, strategic city plans


The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games presented the host city with a number of opportunities to improve its infrastructure and sporting facilities in line with its long-term strategic vision to transition to being a more mature and sustainable Australian city. However, major events such as the Commonwealth Games have a chequered history of bestowing lasting benefits and a positive legacy on the host city. This article examines the ways in which infrastructure planning for the 2018 Games was used to underpin the success experienced by the Gold Coast in harnessing the event to achieve broader city building objectives. It also reflects critically on how major event-led development can be used to support existing strategic city plans.

Author Biographies

  • David Farndon, Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads

    David Farndon was a recent postdoctoral research fellow in the Property and Planning discipline at Queensland University of Technology. His research interests include the planning and delivery of major event-led development and associated regeneration strategies. David is currently working in professional planning practice for the Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads.

  • Paul Burton, Griffith University

    Paul Burton is Professor of Urban Management and Planning and Director of the Cities Research Institute at Griffith University. He manages a research collaboration with the City of Gold Coast around planning and growth management, and works with colleagues from the Griffith Business School in researching the conceptualisation and measurement of the legacy impacts of major sporting events, such as the Commonwealth Games. Paul served as a Field of Play Marshall during the closing ceremony of the 2018 Games.


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Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Special Section

How to Cite

Farndon, D., & Burton, . P. (2019). Avoiding the white elephants: A new approach to infrastructure planning at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games?. Queensland Review, 26(1), 128-146. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2019.8