The Public’s Response to the Book of Mormon

A Critical Phenomenology of Scripture


  • Casey Logan A’Hearn University of Alabama



phenomenology, Book of Mormon, canon, authority, ninteenth-century America


When the Book of Mormon was published in March 1830, it represented a textual shift from the Bible as the representation of sole scriptural truth to the possibility of the Book of Mormon as an equal contender. Within the New York newspaper scene, the Book of Mormon was constructed as a novel false scripture as well as a true culmination of prophecy by competing parties. Within these parties, social actors presented interesting rhetorical dynamics between the establishment of authority and competing Christian canons. Both parties use scripture – the Bible and the Book of Mormon – as tools to navigate the world. One party uses the Bible to argue that the Book of Mormon stands in opposition to an established Christian canon. The other argues that the Book of Mormon is a fulfilment of prophecy made necessary by the Bible. This paper explores the clash of authoritative discourses between those who understood the Book of Mormon as scripture and those who did not. Nevertheless, both groups insist on taking “scripture” seriously. Reading the archive with critical phenomenology, I argue that the publication of the Book of Mormon represents a historical moment where the identity formations of nineteenth-century Americans relied on a discourse of authority mediated through competing canons. 

Author Biography

  • Casey Logan A’Hearn, University of Alabama

    Casey A’Hearn graduated from the University of Alabama with a master’s in Religion in Culture. They are currently attending Princeton University in pursuit of their PhD. Casey’s research focuses on the construction of the category of scripture and its intersections with social theory.


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How to Cite

A’Hearn, C. L. (2024). The Public’s Response to the Book of Mormon: A Critical Phenomenology of Scripture. Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts, 15(1), 49–68.